Gildaz walked around the five gates, thinking about it. Zhan Yun saw gildaz stop there for a few minutes and asked, "gildaz, have you found a way?"

"Just a moment, that's right. I already understand that these five gates are made of five elements and eight trigrams. The five gates correspond to metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The five elements interact with each other. If we want to go out, we must activate the five Gates' mechanism at the same time!" Ji Er Dai is saying!

"But gildaz, the buttons next to these five doors are concealed weapons. Liu Shuai almost died just now!" Leon worried said!

"Don't worry, I can guarantee nothing this time. Don't you believe me?" Gildaz looked at Leon and said!

"I didn't mean that, I just said..."

"then listen to me!" GILDA interrupted as five of them pressed the switch, and then stood in front of her!

"Click, click!"

Before the voice sounded again, everyone held their breath, no one to speak, everyone is very nervous, for fear that there will be something terrible! But there is no mechanism, just the school slowly rose up, five doors are open!

Ling Feng looked at gildaz also a little surprised, this person still has a little ability, but he did not see the mystery behind the five doors!

"Well, there are five doors, only one of which will be the exit. Let's go in through the first door first, and don't move things, otherwise no one can save you! You're killing me step by step here. If you don't want to die, follow me! " Gildaz looked at the crowd and said!

Then they walked into the golden gate, where there was a two meter wide passage, which was all black! Because of gildaz, they are not so afraid!

Ten minutes or so, they walked out of the passage, but they were all stupid. Here is the same place as before, with the same five doors and the open hall!

"What's going on?"

"How did we get back to where we were?"

Everyone said in surprise! Gildaz looks cautious. He is also in this situation for the first time. According to reason, there should be no array here except for the five elements gate. What's the matter now!

Ling Feng looks at them and laughs. He understands what's going on. It's just triple magic. They use space to overlap. What they meet in front of them is the multiple magic array in Qimen dunjia.

"Gildaz, what else can we do now?" Zhan Yun asked again. Among them, gildaz was the only one who knew Feng Shui, so everyone believed him!

Gildaz thought for a while, but he didn't come up with any method. Now the method can only be tested door by door, so gildaz said again: "this time we'll go through the wooden door!"

No one has any opinions. In this situation, they can only listen to gildaz. There is no way!

When they were ready to walk through the wooden door, a lazy voice came into the ears of all of them!

"You don't have to go. It's just a waste of effort. You can't go out if you go on like this!"

Everyone heard the voice and quickly looked at the past, this sentence is what Ling Feng said!

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