Gildaz sighed in his heart, and he was very afraid. He said a lot of cruel words in front of master Ling, all kinds of contempt and ridicule. It was a miracle that he could survive!

And like gildaz's heart, Zhan Yun is trembling. All the dignitaries present have regarded master Ling as a real God, and some even kneel down!

The Chinese martial arts are very happy at this time. Those who said that Xuanwu was a tortoise were beaten in the face!

"Hahaha, Ling Dasai is really powerful, powerful and domineering. The beast is nothing but master Ling's mount. Master Ling is so powerful!"

"Master Ling, really strong, is our idol!" Ling Feng showed the strength and powerful momentum, so that all fans are thoroughly boiling!

on the lake, however, the nine headed Jiaos at Mila's feet kept shaking. In the face of the pressure of the basaltic beast, he had no way to resist. Mila comforted the dragon and said faintly, "little Jiu, don't be afraid. No matter how powerful your opponent is, you should be fearless!"

Jiaolong roared, as if in response to Mila. Under the power of Xuanwu, he could still stand up, very male!

"Master Ling, I didn't expect that Xuanwu, one of the four legendary beasts, would be your helper!" Mira looked at Ling Feng, light said!

Although he was very shocked, so what? Master Ling and he are fighting for life and death at this time. They can also be said to be enemies. When they hit and download, all their skills and details have been used! The two of them are the winners today. They will live and be respected by thousands of people, but the only loser is death!

"There are many things you didn't expect. I'm not a villain like you at all. OK, let me see your ability!" Ling Feng coldly said, although he admitted that Mila is very strong, but in front of himself, or ants!

"No matter what I am, today is just a void. Let heaven and earth be a witness today to see who is stronger!" Mila said, he understood, toward the front of a palm, and this palm in the air constantly change, a few seconds in the past has become very huge, still with the power of space in the palm! Terrifying space force towards Ling Feng rushed a couple!

And the power of this palm is very powerful, which is not comparable to those fists before. This is the powerful strength Mira shows after absorbing the power of faith!

Ling Feng frowned, Mira's strength has been in the chapter, because he or, so the power of faith will continue, will only be stronger and stronger. But Ling Feng is not willing to be outdone. He launches aura and makes two fists towards the front. These two fists contain chaotic aura, which are also very powerful!


Fist strength and palm strength constantly collide, and finally become nothingness, disappear in the air, but the aftereffect is like a big wave in general toward the four spread out!

"Ha ha ha, come again!" Mila yells and soars. He is very agile now, and the Dragon at his feet rushes towards Ling Feng!

"I don't know what to do, Xuanwu. Jiaolong is yours!" Ling Feng light said, and Xuanwu nodded, eyes full of fanaticism, it sleep for thousands of years, already * * intolerable!

Jiaolong attracted all the people to fight, but the two dragons roared at each other!

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