Mira Feng's face is not full of regret, he does not understand the meaning of life!

"Death and rebirth, I hope you can nirvana, rebirth, a new start!" Lingfeng light said!

When he heard Ling Feng's words, Mira's eyes lit up. He understood Ling Feng's meaning, so he said with a smile: "thank you, master Ling, for your coming. I hope we can see you again!"

With that, Mila closed her eyes, and all the breath of the whole human body has disappeared. As a God, Mila's life is very wonderful. He has experienced a lot and witnessed countless events on earth for 300 years!

With the decline of martial arts and the rise of a great power, everything is over. Today, he is sitting on the tower with a kind face. Looking at the code, Ling Feng says faintly: "he is a genius indeed. I hope you don't let me down."

Lingfenggang said to her, let him understand the way of life extension, Nirvana rebirth, start again! Mila will surely die, but he will live in another capacity. As long as he can wake up at that time, the new status of Mila meeting of the God will appear, and his cultivation will be much higher than it is now.

Of course, it's dangerous to do things like this. If he doesn't wake up, he will continue to sleep and won't disappear. Until he really wakes up, Ling Feng has pointed out the direction for him, but whether he can really grasp his own direction depends on Mila's own!

Want to find the true meaning of life, only experienced the real death, can be transformed into a king, this for Mila, is also the best!

He practiced for three hundred years, and finally Ling Feng's words let him really understand, what is cultivation, what is life! For these, Ling Feng didn't pay attention, because he thought Mira was really excellent, so he called Mira. In his eyes, he just did a little thing.

Many immortals are very concerned about their own cultivation, but forget to cultivate their own heart. When the real heart robbery comes, many powerful people lose in the heart knot and are killed by themselves!

Only when one's own heart can reach full, can he enter a new realm. Even if one's cultivation has arrived, and one's heart still stays in the same place, it's also false!

In the past, Ling Feng wanted to pursue cultivation too much and ignored his own demons. It took him thousands of years to become the first sword emperor in the fairyland. He dressed the whole universe and was also the most hopeful existence to reach the divine level!

Lingfeng through a lot of calamities, the devil again and again to find him, and Lingfeng again and again to kill the devil, but his mood is not completely stable, the next two, each time the breakthrough, the mood is constantly retrogressive!

Finally, Ling Feng in snatching the Hunyuan ring will trigger a demon robbery, and finally die in his heart.

Ling Feng he is very lonely, no one can enter his eyes, even the wine Saint Li Bai, also did not know all his things! In the face of countless times of heaven, he is full of his own heart, the hands of mail, no fear at all!

However, when the disaster came, Ling Feng found that he was wrong. The most important thing was not his accomplishments, but his state of mind. Now that he can live again, he wants to cultivate his sword step by step, no matter how to consolidate his state of mind!

At this time, looking at the dead god Mira, Ling Feng sighed, a flash of light, he has disappeared from the tower above!

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