Several fighters began to accelerate, and the roar of the engine kept coming, but no matter how they accelerated, the fighters still didn't move, there was no way to fly!

Looking at the area from the ground, the fighter was tightly entangled by the chain suddenly appeared in the sky, just like the product of God, Ling Feng waved his hands. The chain of stars starts to search continuously, and then rushes down to the ground!


As soon as I thought of the explosion, several high-tech fighter planes directly turned into scrap iron. Seeing this scene in front of me, all the soldiers were stupid. Even the most powerful weapon of the alliance could not kill master Ling. What else could kill the demons!

"Are we destined to die here today? No, we still have a chance. Maybe we can escape now! " They thought at the same time!

And Ling Feng looked at them, with murderous, step by step, while walking said: "but a group of ants!" Now there is nothing to stop Ling Feng. With murderous spirit, he shoots chaos black inflammation in his hand. Soon hundreds of soldiers in front of him are engulfed by black inflammation. Every time Ling Feng goes further, many people around him will be engulfed by black inflammation directly!

Terror so, no wonder so crazy, a step what a hundred people, it is not human can do, but master Ling did!

Lisa, who only knows strength, looks pale. He didn't expect that even the most powerful fighter was easily turned into scrap iron by master Ling. At this time, on the screen, he would fall down with people every second. Ling Feng's black flame was so powerful that it seemed that he could burn his soul to ashes. Lisa felt the fear of his soul and cried out:

"he is not a man, he is a man The messenger from hell, he is the devil, he is so terrible

Lisa was in the same place, as if the whole person had been hit in the eyes!

"General, we are running away now. Master Ling is coming. If we don't leave, we will be killed by master Ling! It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. We'll have a chance. Let's run! " The assistant said quickly!

"Yes, you're right. I don't want to die in his hands!" Lisa said, and he had only one idea at this time, that is to escape here, but when they were ready to leave, a light appeared in front of them!

Two people fear of looking at the young man in front of him, his face murderous, is not with a smile!

"Master Ling, I didn't expect you to come!" Lisa didn't expect that master Ling had come to the command room so soon, which means that everyone outside had died!

"Master Ling, what do you want to do?" Lisa looked at Ling Feng, and then said shaking.

"What am I doing? Don't you want to kill me? Then I'll kill you first! "

Then Lisa and his assistant, two people suddenly lit a black flame, a few seconds, they turned into ashes! Directly under the brigade, the formation of more than 8000 people, so forget all the array! Even the defense area directly under the brigade has become scorched earth!

And master Ling stood here undamaged. He leveled a brigade, nearly ten thousand people. At last, he killed the whole directly subordinate brigade!

In the headquarters, Brian is also very shocked. He uses the satellite system to connect to Lisa's picture, but his face is full of shock. Master Ling killed the whole direct brigade alone, and no one left!

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