Although Bryan doesn't know much about warriors, he just thinks that no matter how powerful they are, they should bow down in the era of hot weapons. They are now in the era of high technology, and all countries rule by hot weapons. It's only because of master Ling's appearance that he changes his mind about Chinese warriors!

A man can cut off the main battle tank, but also can resist missiles. This kind of thing that nobody can believe happened in front of him. At this time, a soldier stood up and said: "report to general, a few minutes ago, master Ling and artillery division encountered each other. All the artillery divisions were killed

Bryan's face changed when he heard the news. What he thought was right. An artillery division couldn't resist master Ling at all. Master Ling was so powerful that he had to have a strategy!

"Let them continue to monitor master Ling. If anything happens, please report it to me!" Brian said, his face is very ugly, and his heart is also very sad. He has experienced hundreds of battles, but it has never been so difficult to fight today. Master Ling killed them all, and he is immune to hot weapons!

"General, for the sake of safety, I think you'd better retreat to the rear of the road first. In case master Ling is killed, it's too dangerous. We are only a few kilometers away from Danshui lake!" Said the chief of staff again!

Brian is 70 years old. Although he is strong, he has already retired. If it wasn't for the encirclement of master Ling, the league would not have found him!

"What do you say? I'm the commander in chief of the three services. If even I leave, do the soldiers below still have fighting spirit? I will never retreat!" Brian said, he is a soldier, no matter when will not retreat, even if it is dead, he will die in the battlefield, the horse is wrapped in the body, for him, this is an honor!

The chief of staff didn't speak. He knew the temper of the six demons general in front of him. He never gave up and was very strong. The atmosphere of depression was already in the air!

"Report, general, I have searched master Ling's figure!" A soldier stood up and said!

"Good, very good, now you switch the picture to the big screen for me!" Brian said, and soon he saw Ling Feng on the screen!

At this time, Ling Feng is heading for their distribution. He has just destroyed the whole artillery division. Now he wants to destroy the remaining branches. Ling Feng doesn't go directly to the headquarters. He knows that there is a commander in chief of the three armed forces in the headquarters. He wants to make this man despair and regret being the enemy, so he wants to destroy all the brigades now!

Since the whole East Asia is against him, master Ling will not be polite. He will kill all of them in despair! In an instant, he was in one of the branches.

As soon as master Ling appeared, the radar had detected his presence, and the company of the division immediately alerted him. Many soldiers looked at the sky and cried out: "master Ling is coming, look at the sky, it's master Ling!"

"All departments, master Ling is here. Bomb him directly and blow him to pieces!"

"Aim, fire!"

Command room constantly issued orders, Ling Feng looked at the front, sneered, rushed down from the high altitude, and then walked towards the front, he constantly waved his hands, formed a hundred meters of sword, toward the front cut in the past!

After only ten minutes or so, all the people in this branch died, and none of them was left. Ling Feng's back was still a sea of black fire, which looked very strange!

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