The whole Danshui lake began to become crazy, and Ling Feng's face was also crazy. In order to arrange the giant array, his aura was almost exhausted!

After Ling Feng's words, the water array of killing God officially started. Ling Feng is the eye of the array. A big whirlpool is formed, the wind is strong, and the storm is coming. The water whirlpool is like a tornado, getting bigger and bigger. The whole freshwater lake has become a water tornado.

There are huge waves on the whole lake, and the sky and the earth change color. The remaining branches stationed near the Danshui Lake feel very depressed at this time!

"Look, what is that?" A soldier pointed to the huge waves above the Tamsui lake and yelled! With her shouting, many soldiers saw it!

"It's like a hundred meter high wave. Is it master Ling?"

"No, master Ling is here!"

Several bases at the same time sounded the alarm, everyone began to guard against the arrival of master Ling, but only a hundred meters high waves! When all the soldiers saw this scene, they were panicked and had no idea. All they knew was that they were going to run for their lives now!

"Hurry up, the big wave is coming towards us!"

In front of this huge wave, they are very weak, they have the strength to resist, but how can their speed be faster than the huge wave, and they will be swallowed by the huge wave soon!

Ling Feng stood in mid air, ah, looking at everything under his feet, all the branches were engulfed by the huge waves. There was a vast ocean near the freshwater lake, and even the land was engulfed by the flood!

Brian looked at the huge waves on the screen, his whole body was shaking, and his face was full of surprise. Everything was gone, all the branches were gone, and the 100 meter high waves devoured everything. He didn't expect that master Ling was so powerful that he could make all the water of Danshui Lake burst. It was terrible!

Master Ling is ready to do everything. Now he knows what to do!

Just when Ling Feng is ready to rest and recuperate, has the superluminal missile been launched? It's only a few kilometers away from him! Super team in the underground launch pad watching the speed of light missile flying out, the whole launch pad smoke rolling, even the air with the smell of gunpowder!

"Successful launch, master Ling is dead!" Bryan is so excited to see all the missiles die this time, but it's worth watching him die!

"General, let's leave now! The flood will come to us soon. Let's go quickly! " The chief of staff said that now the huge waves of the whole Danshui lake have spread to various places, and within a few minutes, they have reached the foot of the mountain of the headquarters. There are all floods at the foot of the mountain, and the floods are still rushing towards their headquarters!

"I'm not going. I want to see Master Ling killed by the explosion with my own eyes. You'll give me the order instead. Everyone will start to retreat to a safe place now!"

Bryan said loudly that he would watch master Ling die under the superluminal missile. Otherwise, even if he went back, he would have no face!

Ling Feng is still in the fresh water lake above the constant control of the water array, with a trace of lethality in his eyes, and at this time, he suddenly felt a strong threat, his eyes, staring at the front, motionless!

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