"Ragthas met general Bryan!" Ragasus looked at Brian and said!

"I heard that you came here to tell me that master Ling is not dead, but has come back to life? Is it true? How do you know? " Brian nodded and asked directly!

When he thought of this, he took a breath of air, and then solemnly said, "yes, it's true, general. Just now, all my nine elder martial brothers have died under master Ling's sword. He also asked me to tell you that master Ling has come back and let you wash your necks and be ready to die!"

When he heard that, and in a solemn tone, he knew that it would not be wrong. Master Ling didn't seem to be dead! But how is that possible? How could he not have died when the SLM had been blasted to pieces by him? Anyway, but now Bryan knows that master Ling is still alive and alive!

"I didn't expect that master Ling was really lucky. Last time he didn't die, but this time he didn't have good luck. Isn't she coming? I won't let him go this time!" Brian coldly said that although he knew master Ling was very powerful, since he could defeat master Ling once, he could defeat master Ling twice.

Now he has the whole East Asia as the backing, he will not be afraid of a person!

"I think general, we need to hold a press conference to let the whole world know that master Ling is not dead, but has come back to us for revenge. When we kill him again, we can let the whole world know how powerful our strength in East Asia is, which is also conducive to our situation!" The chief of staff thought about it and said!

"Well said, you can arrange it." Buchanan said that if people all over the world want to know the strength of East Asia, holding a press conference is the best and fastest way to spread the news, which can also prove the strength of East Asia!

The efficiency of the coalition army was very fast, and soon the press conference had been held, and Brian was standing in front of the camera in military uniform, with his chief of staff and larsas standing on both sides!

Brian looked at the news media, and then said faintly: "after a day of investigation, master Ling is not dead, he has come back!"

Hearing Bryan's words, all the East Asian people in front of the TV set were stunned. However, this press conference was still live broadcast. At the same time, Bryan's words had spread all over the world, and the whole world was sighing, master Ling, how beautiful he was!

Half a year ago, master Ling fought with milayo and killed milayo. The whole East Asian countries announced that they would kill him and then formed a coalition. Within a few days, they killed master Ling with a superluminal missile. In half a year, they had nothing more to do with master Ling!

But half a year later, Brian held a press conference again, saying that master Ling was not dead and had come back for revenge, which made the whole world not believe. They suspected that this was a show written and directed by East Asia!

Although East Asia is just a group of small countries in front of the whole world, master Ling is a man after all. Although he is very powerful, how can he fight with more than ten countries!

As the press conference continued, Brian swore to the camera, "master Ling, he's back, but this time we'll kill him, we won't let him escape!"

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