Ling Feng is lying on the chair. He smiles when he sees that ragshas is burned to ashes by his chaotic black flame. He has never planned to let ragshas go. The reason why he didn't kill him before is to let him tell the whole coalition that he is alive!

And before he left, Ling Feng's chaotic black inflammation had already entered the body of lagersus. With lagersus's cultivation, he would never know!

After he left the manor, he went to meet Brian at the headquarters of the Alliance Army. Ling Feng knew everything about him through chaos black inflammation. He knew the headquarters of the Alliance Army. Then he wanted to let him die when he was talking to Brian, so he could slap the Alliance Army!

But what Ling Feng didn't expect was that Brian planned to hold a news conference, and then told everyone through live broadcast that he wanted to kill master Ling again.

So Ling Feng didn't do it. Instead, when larsas was inflamed, Ling Feng manipulated chaos black inflammation and directly controlled the other party's brain and spirit. That's why the last sentence came out. Then chaos black inflammation burned larsas to ashes in front of the live broadcast!

People all over the world who watched the live broadcast were shocked, and even felt fear and fear!

"Well, it's time to start showing them the colors!" Ling Feng light said, and he stretched a stretch, closed the computer directly stood up.

Yan Ruyu, who was beside Ling Feng, asked strangely, "master Ling, what are you going to do?"

Jiang yu'er and Jianling are closing the door to digest the best elixir. Ling Feng originally planned to come by himself, but he didn't expect that Yan Ruyu also came. Ling Feng nodded and agreed!

This time, he is going to the headquarters of the Alliance Army, smash and destroy the whole headquarters, let everyone know how terrible master Ling is, and let the whole Alliance Army go directly to hell to chat with Yama! Let the whole East Asia fear, regret and master Ling for the enemy!

Ling Feng looked at the Yan Ruyu in front of him, and then said faintly, "I'll kill someone!"

"To kill, master?" Yan Ruyu doesn't understand and asks. She can feel that when master Ling is talking about killing people, he has a strong murderous spirit, which affects her mind and makes her feel uncomfortable!

Ling Feng said with a smile: "soon you will know! Now don't ask any more questions! "

Ling Feng's goal is naturally the headquarters of the coalition forces, and he has given the coalition forces enough time to prepare for everything. This time, he will kill all the members of the coalition forces, and there will be no one left. If he does something wrong, he will pay the corresponding price!

Lingfeng finish, ready to leave, at this time, a figure is very hot beauty, stopped in front of Lingfeng, and then with apology said: "this handsome man, sorry, can I delay you a few minutes?"

Ling Feng frowned and looked at the beautiful woman in front of her. She was not from East Asia, but from America. She looked about 20 years old and her face was very delicate. So Ling Feng asked, "what's the matter?"

"Can you tell me your name first?" Beauty looking at Ling Feng, and then asked, Ling Feng looked at the beauty, and did not pay attention to him, but directly leave, for the beauty in front of him, he is not interested in chatting with him!

But he hasn't gone a few steps. The beauty just caught up with him and stopped him again. Looking at Ling Feng, he said without giving up:

"Hello, please wait. I'm a photographer of M country, jubia. My colleagues and I are taking scenery photos here. I'd like to ask you to be a model. Let's take a few groups of photos. Of course, we will give you corresponding rewards!"

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