But how did Ling Feng let him get what he wanted? With a wave of his big hand, countless green spirit swords appeared again over the hall. The people around him were silly. They couldn't find other words to describe their current mood and feelings except shock. Long Yi had completely erupted. He rushed directly to Ling Feng. He knew in his heart that as long as he could kill Ling Feng, these flying swords would disappear, But how could Lingfeng let him come to him!

"Today, you're dead!"

Ling Feng's eyes constantly flashed murderous spirit. In his eyes, dragon one was a dead end. All those who defiled his sword must die, because it was a crime of disrespect to the sword emperor. There was only a dead end to this crime. To counteract Ling Feng's inner anger, the green spirit swords rushed to longyi flying in mid air!


The two continue to collide. The crazy sword in longyi's hand has been broken in two. Without the big sword, longyi can only connect the green spirit sword with both hands, but how can his hands resist the green spirit sword group with chaotic black inflammation!


Long Yi was hit by the green spirit sword and fell out of the air. He hasn't stood up yet. The green spirit swords have rushed down again. He didn't give him any chance to breathe. He will lose today!

"Boom, boom!"

With the continuous explosion, the green spirit sword group has covered longyi inside. His armor can't carry the repeated bombing of the green spirit sword group. Finally, his armor is broken and a green spirit sword is inserted in his chest. Strangely, the blood of longyi is black!

"Mole ants, you know our gap this time! You are looking for death!" Ling Feng said coldly!

Long Yi didn't speak, but grabbed the green spirit sword on his chest with his hand, pulled it out and took it in his hand as his own weapon. Ling Feng frowned and was very angry. Even his voice was cold: "mole ants, you really want to die. You dare to touch my sword with your dirty hand. You really want to die!"

Ling Feng's words fell. The attack of Qingling sword was more terrible, but long Yi couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Qingling sword attack and retreated step by step. He couldn't resist the repeated attacks of Qingling sword group. No matter how fast it was!


A green spirit sword had been inserted into his shoulder and penetrated directly, but he hadn't slowed down yet. Another green spirit sword pierced his calf. Long Yi kept retreating, and then several green spirit swords penetrated her body. Black blood kept flowing out. Long Yi knelt on the ground and roared, and his momentum soared again, more violent than before!

Long Yi stood up, pulled out all the green spirit swords on his body, and then rushed to Ling Feng. Ling Feng stood there and said calmly, "before he died, he was crazy, but you still didn't find our gap? Then I'll help you!"

As soon as the Dragon rushed to Ling Feng, it looked more crazy, but before he ran a few steps, he was full of green spirit swords, and the last sword directly ran through his head, smashing his helmet! Once the Dragon fell down, it was impossible to stand up again. He was dead!

"Just a clown. There is no human way of thinking. It's better than * *!" Ling Feng said faintly. Seeing this scene, all the people in the hall trembled. Master Ling was too powerful!

Nangong wumoxibustion on one side was stupid. His face was very ugly and his whole body was shaking. He didn't think of his super killer. He lost. He didn't even have a chance to get close, so he was directly crushed!

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