"If you don't dare to say it directly, everyone will say such words!" Li Biao said loudly!

Yan Yun couldn't see it anymore. Li Biao killed himself, so he dissuaded him: "Li Biao, today we are a classmate party. We don't talk about it!"

Li Biao didn't listen to advice, and then counted: "I'm going to deal with this matter at one o'clock today!"

"Libiao, I think you'd better forget it!" Yanyun continued to persuade Libiao. He wanted to die himself. As his friend, Yanyun naturally didn't want to see him tortured to death by Lingfeng, so he kept dissuading Libiao!

Yan yuluo looked at Li Biao and said, "Li Biao, you don't have to make trouble. You can't compare with Ling Feng at all. No matter what point, you can't compare with Ling Feng!!"

"Yan yuluo, how can you speak? Why can't I compare with him? Look at him. Look at me. I'm not as good as him!" Li Biao said loudly!

Ling Feng stood up, then looked at Li Biao and said, "all right, clown, I'll give you a chance."

"Well, boy, you die!"

Hearing what Ling Feng said, Li Biao nodded and rushed over, but the next scene made Li Biao never forget. Ling Feng stretched out his right hand and directly clicked!


Li Biao has been retreating. He fell to the ground and felt his whole chest very uncomfortable, as if it had burst open! "Poof!" a big mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his face was very pale, there was no blood at all.

"How is this possible! I don't believe it, it's impossible!"

Li Biao couldn't believe it. Even the whole person was hoodwinked. Ling Feng just used a little strength. This clown doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. Just give him a lesson. He doesn't care to kill him!

The people watching the excitement felt incredible. Ling Feng casually clicked and knocked down Li Biao. Moreover, Li Biao vomited blood. He is really worthy of being master Ling. People worship his strong strength!

Ling Feng looked at Li Biao and then counted: "you are not as good as mole ants. I can kill you with one finger!"

Li Biao now understands that he can't compare with the other party!


Libiao still wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. He was defeated by others with one finger. What's the face to speak. At this time, he wanted to find a hole and drill in!

"If you want to come to me for revenge, I will accompany you at any time. I forgot to remind you that people outside call me master Ling!" Ling Feng said with a smile. After hearing this, Li Biao was silly and trembling all over. The other party was master Ling!

How could this be possible? Li Biao couldn't believe that the young man in front of him was master Ling who deterred the whole south of China! He had heard of master Ling's reputation before. The year before last, master Ling destroyed the Li family, the first family in Haicheng, and no one survived. The whole Chinese family was shocked and all feared master Ling. Although master Ling suddenly disappeared now, the whole upper class society still has his legend. Now in front of Li Biao, it is master Ling!

"Master Ling, it's my fault. Your adult doesn't remember villains. Don't see things like me!"

Li Biao knelt on the ground and began to beg for mercy. Now he knows that Yan yuluo is actually master Ling's woman. He knew this. Even if he was given a bear heart and leopard courage, he would not dare to pursue Yan yuluo. Li Biao, who was arrogant before, dared not speak anything in front of master Ling and could only kneel down and beg for mercy!

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