If the qianhan family is destroyed by Ling Feng, it will be a huge loss to Guiguo. Guiguo's economy has regressed for at least ten years. In recent years, Guiguo's economy has been declining, and all walks of life are in deficit. If there is a great economic turmoil, it will be a very serious economic crisis for Guiguo, which is irreparable!

Of course, this is assuming that after Ling Feng destroyed the qianhan family, there are many strong people behind the qianhan family, which is not so easy to be destroyed, and it is impossible for one person to destroy the whole qianhan family. The hearts of the two women have been denied. Although Ling Feng is very powerful, it is impossible to achieve! If qianhan family was so easy to be knocked down, it would not exist long ago! Qianhan family has offended too many people. Many people want to kill quickly!

"The qianhan family has great influence in the turtle Kingdom, and there are many strong people in charge. Ling Feng, are you sure?" Zhao kena asked!

"It's just a sword hour. Those strong people are mole ants in my eyes!" Ling Feng said faintly. In his eyes, killing qianhan family is just a small thing. I don't care about anything at all!

"But what shall we do now and where shall we go?" Zhao kena said again!

"I don't care, listen to you!" said Ling Feng, who didn't care at all!

"I think it's not far from my home. I'd better go to my home!" Mu Wushuang looked at the road and said!

The next morning, in the qianhan family located in the southern suburb of Xijing, qianhan Mingxiu smiled to find several strong people in the martial arts world, and these are his friends, not only the wise master Xiaolin, but also the Kendo master tengye Yixiong, and several strong friends!

"A little Chinese martial artist is soft and arrogant. If he dares to come, I will kill him directly. I must avenge my apprentice! If I don't kill him, it's hard to solve my hatred!" Xiaolin said angrily. Youhui is his apprentice. Now he has been killed. He is very angry.

"Yes, don't worry, qianhan Jun. as long as he dares to come, I'll kill him with a sword!" fujiye Yixiong said confidently, and others agreed one after another. Several people present were very famous in the martial arts world of the turtle country, and qianhan Mingxiu nodded very satisfied. He was not afraid of so many strong people!

Moreover, in the manor, there was an ambush of a small team of hot weapons. These were the cards of qianhan Mingxiu. He was not afraid of Ling Feng. The disaster was just a martial arts master!

At this time, a servant hurried in and said, "master, it's bad. What if the man comes?"

They are talking about society. It must be the young martial arts master from China who killed Youhui! So he said, "you don't have to fence him, let him in!"

Then Ling Feng came in, and everyone looked at Ling Feng. Qianhan Mingxiu said fiercely, "boy, you're here. You'll die here today!"

Ling Feng's face was calm. He thought he would be blocked when he came in, but he didn't expect that qianhan Mingxiu was ready to wait for him here! Ling Feng looked at Xiaolin and others behind qianhan Mingxiu, with strong disdain and murderous spirit in his eyes, and then said coldly, "you don't think you can deal with me if you find a bunch of garbage!"

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