"It's so hot, how can it be so hot!" in the old forest of the crane guarding center, he suddenly felt very hot. What he didn't expect was that master Ling's flying sword was still carrying a black horror flame, which was difficult for him to resist. The key is that the flying sword seemed to be endless and constantly attacking, which made her very worried. The psychic skill was too powerful, Therefore, the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, there is a time limit, and the shouhe is hurt and powerful, and the time of occurrence will be reduced rapidly!

"No, you can't go on like this. If you go on like this, I'll die. I want to make a unique move and can't fail!" Lao Lin kept telling himself, and then he said the spell again!

"Ninja of God, spirit wind armor!"

With Lao Lin's words falling, a Green Bay appeared on shouhe. With this layer of armor to resist Ling Feng's flying swords, Lao Lin had a lot less pressure, but he consumed a lot. He had to kill master Ling at one time, otherwise he would run out of aura and die, so Lao Lin was ready to win or lose!

"Shouhe, show him your most powerful move!"

With Lao Lin's words falling, the guard crane opened his mouth, and a huge black ball slowly formed outside. There was a layer of terrible aura wrapped around the ball, and the dazzling light covered everything. Lao Lin breathed a sigh of relief. This black ball is the crystallization of the guard crane's power, which is called "tail beast bullet". It can destroy the sky and the earth. Even a real immortal can't resist it.

"Rush, guard the crane!" Lao Lin shouted, and his voice was like a bomb. The black ball in the guard's mouth was also aimed at Ling Feng and spit it out directly. Where he passed, the space burst and the prestige was strong. Looking at the black ball rushing over, Ling Feng was still very flat. He flew out a golden sword, a mini Xuanyuan sword!

Xuanyuan's little sword rushed out directly, and there was a black flame on the sword body. With the continuous movement of the little sword, it became more and more. Finally, it formed a huge sword, directly hit the black ball, and there was a strong explosion around. But it was not over yet. The next moment's huge sword had passed through the black ball and directly rushed to the shouhe. Looking at this scene, Lao Lin was stunned, He couldn't believe his eyes, and shouted madly, "how is this possible? How can it be like this!"

The most powerful move of shouhe was penetrated by master Ling's giant sword.


When the giant sword fell on the blue armor outside the guard crane, there was a violent explosion again, and the Xuanyuan giant sword was blocked. Ling Feng frowned and stretched out his hand again. The powerful aura was input into the Xuanyuan giant sword. The giant sword kept sprinting forward. Lao Lin felt that the powerful pressure came down, and the surroundings became very depressed. He couldn't resist it at all, Even breathing is a little difficult!



There are cracks in the armor of shouhe. The cracks continue to expand. Lao Lin is in a cold sweat, but he can't do anything. The whole armor is broken, and he has no aura to repair it!

"Rush for me!"

Ling Feng said coldly. Xuanyuan's huge sword continued to rush forward! Directly stabbed into the shouhe's body. The shouhe stepped back two steps and fell to the ground!


With Seoul and falling down, it means that Lao Lin has lost. Although Lao Lin keeps manipulating shouhe to stand up, shouhe has no response, because Xuanyuan giant sword has directly broken its spirit, and Lao Lin can't do anything!

"Shouhe, stand up, stand up!" Lao Lin kept shouting, but it was useless. At this time, the blue ice swords in the sky fell towards the shouhe again, and the surrounding explosions kept ringing, directly covering the shouhe. The powerful force made the whole Beiyang mountain dusty, sand and stones, and even the momentum pressed many people!

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