Ling Fenggen continued to walk along with the gathering place of aura. The light under the bridge was very weak and looked very terrible. Seeing Ling Feng walking in, sakazaki Lily hurried to keep up. With Ling Feng around, she felt very safe and didn't have to be afraid of anything. The whole bridge was very quiet without any sound. It was terrible! They walked for a few minutes, and a hole appeared in front of them, but it was still dark and full of fear!

"Sir, I'm afraid there's danger ahead. Do we have to move forward?" lily sakazaki asked in a low voice!

"It's okay. Let's go in. It's not easy. Be careful!" Ling Feng said with a smile. He found some interesting things that can control the aura of heaven and earth. The things inside are definitely not simple! In addition, Ling Feng felt an unusual smell, which was not emitted by human beings! It is similar to the demon family with European code, but it is not a real demon family! In the fairyland, there are all kinds of demon families whose strength is no less than that of human beings, and even many powerful demon kings exist!


Sakazaki lily has been walking with Ling Feng. Ling Feng's mouth shows a smile. He can feel that the other party is in front, and her breath is very weak and looks strange. Ling Feng didn't expect that he can find the trace of the demon family in the soft foot of GUI Guojiao. If he hadn't come out and noticed the change of aura, it's really hard to find it, but he can find it!

When Ling Feng and sakazaki Lily came in, they found that the cave was very large, almost a football field, and the layout was very beautiful. There was a bed, a dresser, and all kinds of furniture. It was a girl's room. Ling Feng is not surprised. The demon clan has a high IQ and can be transformed into a person. Basically, he will raise his glass after practicing for about 100 years. It seems that this should be a female demon clan!

However, to Ling Feng's curiosity, there are many ancient swords on a cabinet. They look like ancient swords of China, with a history of nearly 1000 years! This makes Ling Feng a little strange. There is an ancient Chinese sword in the demon cave of turtle country, which looks a little mysterious!

"My Lord, there is a man living in this cave?" said Lily sakazaki in great doubt!

"People? There are demons who can always change and admit. It's interesting!" Ling Feng said with a smile!

"Ah? Is it a demon?" sakazaki Lily asked in great doubt. At this time, a shadow rushed towards Ling Feng. It was fast, but Ling Feng had already noticed it. With a wave of his big hand, chaotic aura rushed out!


The shadow couldn't resist Ling Feng's chaotic aura at all, and flew out and threw it on the ground!

"Who the hell are you? You broke into my cave and bothered me to practice!" a female voice remembered and echoed in the cave. Sakazaki Lily looked over and talked about a white nurse with white hair all over. She was very cute, but she was waiting for Ling Feng. She looked angry and had blood on her mouth. It seems that Ling Feng's move hurt her just now, Sakazaki Lily was shocked that a fox could spit out people. Is this a demon?

"Unexpectedly, it's a fox demon. It looks very interesting! Your cultivation should have been more than hundreds of years, but you were seriously injured!" Ling Feng looked at the white fox demon in front of him and said!

"Human beings, I don't know you at all, and I haven't provoked the people nearby. Why did you break into my cave and disturb my cultivation!" the white fox glared at Ling Feng and said!

"The emperor has no reason to do things!" Ling Feng said faintly!

"In that case, I'll kill you and let you understand the consequences of breaking into my cave!"

"If you can kill it, come on!" Ling Feng didn't care. He moved. Several white rainbow swords appeared in the cave and aimed at the white fox!

"Human, get ready to die!" although the white fox was surprised to see the white flying sword suddenly appearing in the cave, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire and rushed directly to Ling Feng, which was very shocking!

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