At this time, the attack of flying sword became more and more powerful, and the violent impact came out. Ling Feng didn't expect that Qingling sword had been hit with a gap. He was very shocked. No matter in previous lives or in this life, this has never happened. After the gap appeared, Qingling sword couldn't bear the power of flying sword,

Just when Ling fengleng was there, the flying sword organized the attack again. The green spirit sword in Ling Feng's hand was actually fragmented, and Ling Feng actually stepped back. He never stepped back when he fought with others, but today he was forced back by Zhang Shaojun's flying sword! This is very difficult for the arrogant him to accept.

"It's impossible!"

Ling Feng's words were full of anger. A blue ice sword appeared in his hand again. With a wave of his big hand, he rushed out with a sword spirit! Beat back all the dozens of flying swords in front of you!

"You're such a scrap iron. You want to defeat the emperor. You're looking for death. Today, you'll be turned back into scrap iron!" Ling Feng's face is gloomy and his body is furious. He must not be offended by the majesty of the sword emperor, or he will die. Ling Feng underestimated the power of these flying swords before, and didn't think there was a test in the hall.

Ling Feng ignores that this is Zhang Shaojun's treasure. In the past, the last layer of protection was the ultimate test, and these flying swords are the ultimate test. Since it is the ultimate test, it will not be so simple!

With Ling Feng's divine knowledge moving, countless blue ice swords appeared in the sky. Ling Feng said coldly: "today, the emperor will let you become scrap iron and pieces!"

The blue ice sword group rushed directly towards the flying sword. The power of chaos black inflammation filled the whole hall, and the avenue soul of the flying sword began to be burned by chaos black inflammation. When the avenue soul disappeared, the flying sword became an ordinary sword and fell directly to the ground!


Ling Feng looked at the flying swords that fell to the ground, waved his big hand, and the sword Qi immediately attacked, crushing the flying swords into pieces. Then Ling Feng went into the hall. These flying swords were beyond his expectation, and even almost made Ling Feng suffer. But the hall was empty. Only the aura was very strong, even strong enough to become a water flow, flowing through the whole hall, and there was a hole in the middle of the hall, Ling Feng walked over. When he saw the spirit pulse inside, he was very happy and said, "the big spirit pulse has finally been found. It's still a complete big spirit pulse!"

Ling Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth. Although he had guessed that it was a big spiritual pulse, he didn't expect that it was indeed a very complete big spiritual pulse. Different from the previous two, the big spiritual pulse here is full of vitality and has not been developed at all!

"Master, what is this?" asked fox Xueer, puzzled! This great spirit pulse is similar to the roots of trees. It seems that there are countless roots inserted under the ground. It absorbs aura in the land over time!

"This is the great spirit pulse. Do you know why Qibaoshan is full of vitality and strong? It's because of it!" Ling Feng explained faintly!

"It turns out that this is the big spirit pulse. I once heard the legend of our demon family. If anyone can have the big spirit pulse, he will become the master of the whole world!" said fox Xueer in surprise!

"There are many great spirit veins on the earth, but no one can find their exact hiding place, so they are slowly forgotten!" Ling Feng said with a smile. Because there is a strong seal outside the earth, the great spirit vein is suppressed by the seal, so it will disappear, while the small spirit vein disguises itself and hides, and people can't find it at all, This is also the reason for the depletion of the earth's aura. Only a genius like Zhang Shaojun can persevere in finding several great spiritual veins, seal them and become his own treasure! And the big spiritual pulse in front of me is now Ling Feng's!

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