"Start the large-scale nuclear power plant, inject energy into the air bomb, start the No. 3 energy bank! Activate the air bomb!" the person in charge said faintly. Many technicians began to input various programs continuously, and immediately the energy of the large-scale nuclear power plant entered the air bomb equipment through the pipeline!

The air bomb constantly absorbs energy, just like a child. Gradually its color changes from white to blue. The alien weapon finally wakes up on the earth. His body is wrapped with electric current, and even the whole laboratory is filled with destructive electric current energy!


With the awakening of the air bomb, the whole laboratory is full of terror, and the laboratory equipment is affected by the current, constantly making various sounds. The person in charge who watched not far away trembled in his heart. He just woke up. The air bomb had such terrible energy. The person in charge began to detect various data of the air bomb. Then we will report:

"Old elixir, everything is normal here. Our current equipment has been linked with the air bomb, which can maintain his energy loss. According to our radar positioning, master Ling is now in the forest near Xijing County, less than 200 kilometers away from us. The air bomb has locked master Ling. Please indicate whether to fire!"

The old man nodded and said, "shoot, bomb master Ling!"

Hearing the old man's words, many senior executives have dignified faces. Whether they can succeed or not depends on this time. This air bomb is the last trump card of turtle country. If they lose, the consequences are unimaginable, so they can only win this time. Otherwise, no one knows what master Ling will do, which must be a fatal blow to turtle country!

The cabinet ministers of turtle country also looked at the big screen one after another with heavy faces. This is related to the battle of honor of turtle country. Everyone's eyes are focused on the air bomb, which is a terrorist weapon from outside the earth. At this time, at the base, the air bomb has entered the state, strong current, constantly changing colors in the air bomb, and the person in charge pressed a button, Suddenly the ceiling over the base opened and the air bomb flew directly into mid air! All around him was the explosion of electricity!

"Target locked, master Ling, start the countdown!"

The sound of electronic synthesis of the base spread to everyone's ears, and the terrible air flow formed, like a tornado. The air bomb constantly changed its color, and the last bright light rushed out, accompanied by a strong air flow. The white light thought about the distance, like a falling meteor, and the terrible atmosphere crushed all enemies!

"Air bomb!"

The senior leaders of turtle country are excited. They hope that the air bomb can kill master Ling second! Where the air bomb passed, the whole sky left a charred trace. The space was broken and could not bear the alien weapon!

At this time, countless turtle people saw that a bright white light in the sky rushed out of Xijing, like a meteor. Many people looked at the sky and were amazed!

"Mom, that meteor is so beautiful!"

In the building, a little girl pointed to the air bomb in the sky and said with a smile!

"Yes, make a wish quickly!"

The woman smiled and said! Such dialogues have been held all over Xijing. Many people are more skeptical. This is a big move made by turtle country!

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Why did he make such a big noise? It must be some experiment made by those troops!"

"But why are they in heaven? What is this?"

Many people talked about it one after another. At this time, the air bomb with the smell of destruction was rushing towards Ling Feng less than 200 kilometers away!

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