For a time, all the bows, arrows, crossbows and all kinds of hot weapons in the alliance aimed at Ling Feng. They were crazy and did not have the slightest timidity. A big war was about to begin.

Ling Feng saw this and made a direct move. Although he was seriously injured and could not use Reiki armor, he had no divine influence on these mole ants. His flying sword could easily destroy the alliance, and the fierce battle between the two sides began

A few minutes later, the whole alliance turned into ruins. Everyone died and suffered heavy losses. Looking at the Xijing alliance turned into ruins, Ling Feng had no fluctuation in his heart. With a wave of his big hand, chaotic Heiyan rushed out again and fell to the ground. Suddenly, a fire burst into the sky and burned to ashes.

Ling Feng's next stop is the location of the high-level in Xijing. At this time, in the turtle alliance leader's house, a man knelt in front of a stone statue and looked very thin. He was the Mingren leader of the turtle alliance. Behind him, there is a beautiful woman who looks like she is in her twenties. Her skin is like snow, like a perfect work of art. He is the daughter of Mingren alliance leader, Mingren xiangphosphorus. At this time of day, Mingren alliance leader and xiangphosphorus will come here to kneel down and worship. They are very pious, and this stone statue is the soul of the turtle alliance and the soul of the God.

After kneeling down, they left here. As soon as they got out of the secret room, they came down with one hand and reported: "alliance leader, something big has happened."

"What master?" asked alliance leader Mingren suspiciously.

"The alliance leader, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Ozawa, and the old God of war in Yamano are coming, followed by many high-level leaders and the elders. They are all waiting for you." the servant said quickly.

When he heard this, alliance leader Mingren was very confused. He guessed that it was not easy. These people never came to the alliance leader's house to visit themselves. Although they were the alliance leader, they never looked at themselves. Since they all came this time, something big must have happened.

"I see. I'll be there right away." alliance leader Mingren hurried over, and leader xiangphosphorus followed.

In the reception room of the alliance leader's house, alliance leader Akihito picked up all the senior leaders and elders. Before he could speak, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Ozawa quickly said:

"Alliance leader, something big has happened. This matter is related to the life and death of our turtle alliance. I hope the alliance leader can invite tianhun to resolve the crisis and disaster of our turtle alliance."

Ozawa Ansan said very directly. After all, time is tight now. Master Ling may have entered Xijing at this time. Alliance leader Mingren was very puzzled and said, "what disaster can make Xiangye so frightened and even let me invite the heavenly soul."

The old God of war of Shanye hurriedly said, "some time ago, a master Ling from the eastern Alliance came to the turtle alliance. His strength was very strong. He swept the martial arts world of our turtle alliance and killed four top strongmen. Even several monster groups were killed by him." here, the old God of war of Shanye looked at the leader of Mingren alliance.

"I know this. Didn't you send the super warrior regiment to deal with him?" alliance leader Mingren said faintly. Although he was in the alliance leader's house, he heard about master Ling.

"Yes, it's master Zhengling. He destroyed our super warrior regiment, the super warrior regiment, and the 19th, 7th, 28th, and 3rd teams. All the teams from the west of turtle alliance to Xijing were destroyed, and all the alliance bases were destroyed. Even our bottom card air bomb could not hurt her. At this time, master Ling was daring to come to Xijing. It's estimated that she had already died Here we are, "said the old God of war again.

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