Although tianhun is a soul, his intelligence is very high. He can feel that Lingfeng is full of aura, which is the biggest tonic for him. At this time, he can't wait to eat Lingfeng directly.

"It's just a remnant soul, and he dares to be so presumptuous. Today, the emperor has to refine you." Ling Feng said with a smile. The soul power of this day's soul is very strong, even stronger than the previous ghost group. To be exact, they have no comparability at all. The ten ghosts and gods together are not as strong as this day's soul. After all, the spirit of heaven has fallen from the sky after thousands of years, Absorbed the existence of countless souls.

At the highest place of the Imperial Palace, a group of high-level leaders such as Akihito alliance leader, Yasuhiro Ozawa and Yamano Old God of war are watching the battle. Although they stand far away, they can also feel the powerful power of tianhun. This day's soul is not only the last patron saint of the turtle Alliance, but also the last guarantee of the turtle alliance.

Therefore, he can only win but not lose. If he loses, I'm afraid it will be a disaster for the whole turtle alliance. No one knows what master Ling will do. It will be over at that time. Therefore, only by killing master Ling can he be safe and save the whole turtle alliance. After all, the whole military has failed. Now only tianhun can turn the tide and press master Ling.

"Don't worry, I believe tianhun can kill master Ling to prove the majesty of our turtle alliance." Mingren alliance leader said faintly.

"Of course, the soul is so powerful that it will destroy master Ling. Master Ling is dead." the old man nodded.

"But I'm still a little worried. I don't know what the outcome of this war will be." Yasukuni Ozawa is still very uneasy. This uneasiness has haunted him for a long time. It's not that he doesn't believe in tianhun, but that master Ling is too powerful. They fought against master Ling several times and lost, so he has some fear in his heart, but Yasukuni Ozawa still believes in tianhun.

"Prime minister, you don't have to worry. The soul has never lost this day and will kill master Ling. Let's wait for the good news." alliance leader Mingren said faintly. They all believe in the strength of tiansoul, and they are full of expectations for tiansoul. They expect master Ling to be killed by tiansoul.

At this time, the war between Ling Feng and tianhun is about to begin. Their momentum is constantly colliding with each other, and the invisible wind is stirring around.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that God would send such a perfect body. Today I will eat you and occupy your body. At that time, no one will be my opponent, hahaha." the spirit of heaven laughed wildly, and that voice sounded like the devil's voice of hell.

"You're just a self righteous mole ant. It's arrogant to swallow the emperor. You don't know the greatness of heaven and earth. You're looking for death." Ling Feng said with murderous spirit in his eyes.

"Boy, I don't care what you come from. I advise you to give up resistance and integrate with my soul. This is also an honor for you. We can live forever. What do we want? What do we want?" the heavenly soul is just a soul. There is no real physical power, so his power to confuse people is very powerful.

"There's a lot of nonsense. The emperor will send you directly to hell today." Ling Feng held his hand for a while, and countless green spirit swords appeared in the sky. There was chaos and black inflammation on the green spirit swords. They aimed at the heavenly soul and were ready to shoot at any time.

"Boy, come on, I'll devour you too." after the sky soul said that, a mouthful of black gas rushed out and went straight to Ling Feng. There was corrosive power in the black resentment, and the whole air was despised. If ordinary people inhaled this resentment, I'm afraid there would be no bones and ashes in a moment, even the emperor of martial arts could not resist it.

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