Everyone's face was very bad, even bleak. Master Ling rushed all the way, starting with the destruction of the super warrior team, and then the 19th team, teams in various places. The alliance headquarters in Xijing finally carried the air bomb, killed tianhun and destroyed the shenpai hall. Every time Ling Feng destroys a target, he gives the turtle alliance a knife, so that the turtle alliance can't breathe.

Now the turtle alliance has been greatly defeated. No power can stop master Ling. Master Ling's power alone has suppressed the whole turtle alliance. I'm afraid no one in the world can match this means.

The turtle alliance made a mistake step by step. Now it is unable to return to heaven. Ling Feng has hit the palace. If these hall leaders are destroyed, the whole turtle alliance will collapse and no longer exist.

Now the turtle alliance knows who they have provoked. They thought master Ling was a strong warrior. They sent out super warrior soldiers to kill him. Then the super warrior team was destroyed, the 19th division was destroyed, the air bomb was destroyed, and now the sky soul was destroyed.

Ling Feng refreshed their world outlook at every step, which shocked them. Now the turtle alliance has been defeated. All the cards have been played, but they have been destroyed by master Ling. A hall leader said in horror, "what shall we do now?"

Master Ling was right in front of them. He was only a kilometer away. He could come and kill them at any time. At this time, many people were already flustered. The old God of war in Shanye sighed and said, "there is no way. This time, I can only seek peace. I will be responsible for all events."

"Let's make peace?"

Ozawa was stunned. They have never sought peace since the Centennial war. This time, under the continuous pressure of master Ling, regardless of the economic and military retrogression for many years, they can only bow their heads. They have no way out. They are a big league. They are cornered by one person. I'm afraid this person is God.

"What shall we do if master Ling doesn't want to make peace?" one hall leader said. This time, the turtle alliance has fallen into a state of great difficulty. Many hall leaders are very painful. If the people know, I'm afraid they will impeach the prime minister. At that time, Yasuhiro Ozawa will be ousted, and even the old God of war of Yamano will be ousted.

"If he doesn't want to make peace, we'll use self explosion to kill master Ling. I don't believe he dares to take it." the old man said fiercely. They are forced into a desperate situation. If Ling Feng doesn't agree with them to make peace, they will frantically use the self explosion method and die with Ling Feng at that time.

"Yes, we still have the way of self explosion. Master Ling doesn't want to seek peace, so we use the way of self explosion and die together. It's a big deal." Ozawa said. After he knew this thing, he couldn't keep his phase. You might as well go crazy.

"Have you ever thought that if you kill master Ling in the way of self explosion, our turtle alliance will become ruins and you will all become eternal sinners?" said a conservative hall leader,

"Then you say, what are we going to do?" Ozawa said.

"Beg for peace, let's keep a low profile. No matter what conditions master Ling offers, we will agree. There is no other way," said the hall leader.

They are the most losers. They can only take the initiative to seek peace and lower their attitude, because they have failed and have no right to speak. Ozawa and the old man in the mountains don't speak and lower their heads. At this time, the leader of Mingren alliance who had not spoken said, "now we can only seek peace. We have no way to go."

Hearing the words of alliance leader Mingren, all hall leaders bowed their heads. They have failed and the loser has no right.

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