"I have something small to ask Master Ling. Please stay and wait a moment," said alliance leader Mingren.

"Hmm?" Ling Feng nodded, but he was confused. It seems that the leader of Mingren alliance has something to do, and it's very important. Otherwise, he wouldn't have stopped Ling Feng. What's the matter? I guess this is for several other people.

"Let's leave first," said the old man in Shanye. This time they lost the most. He wants to go back and count the losses, and rebuild the destroyed base in the shortest time. Many high-rise people left behind with the old man in the mountains.

"Let's go first, your majesty. We're leaving." Ozawa said. This time, although their losses are small, they are also very serious, and this time, the Conservatives will seize this matter and let Ozawa step down. If the two factions fight, there will certainly be casualties, because Ozawa's wrong decision-making will affect the future of the whole radical faction.

This matter is too big to hide, so at that time, Yasukuni Ozawa will be impeached to step down, which just allows the Conservatives to seize the opportunity to shed their shame and completely make Yasukuni Ozawa unable to turn over.

Ozawa also knew the conservative ideas. Then many big people left. There were only four people left on the scene: Ling Feng, Qin Shuang, Mingren alliance leader and Mingren xiangphosphorus.

"What did you just want to say?" Ling Feng said faintly. He felt that this matter must be not simple. Maybe Mingren alliance leader was thinking about something?

"Master Ling, there is a secret room under this tall building. There will be things left by the heavenly soul. I think you will be very interested." alliance leader Mingren said with a smile.

"Really? Then take me there."

Ling Feng nodded. Just now she found something wrong with the building, but he didn't care. Now the channel Mingren alliance leader is a little interested in this.

"Master Ling, please follow me."

Then Mingren alliance leader walked forward with a strange smile at the corners of his mouth. The secret room under the tall building is the secret room where Mingren alliance leader knelt down before.

Soon after they came here, alliance leader Mingren opened the door of the secret room and walked in. The entrance of the secret room was only two meters wide. But there is a fragrance in the air, which can make people fall into deep sleep.

"I'm a little sleepy."

Qin Shuang feels very sleepy. Is it because he is too tired recently? He imagined that he hasn't slept well for a long time. After taking Ling Feng back this time, he must have a good rest and take a few days off.

Ling Feng naturally feels sleepy, but Ling Feng completely ignores it. He knows that the secret room is very strange and can't be entered by ordinary people.

The four walked forward, about 100 meters. There was no road in front of them, only an iron gate. Alliance leader Mingren went in and introduced: "this legend has been in our turtle country for a long time. This is the place of our former national teacher. After the national teacher died, this became the place for me to worship."

Ling Feng looked as like as two peas, and said nothing. He looked at the stone statue in the middle of the chamber. It was the same as the sky. There was no difference. So, what Ling Feng was surprised at was that the soul in the stone statue could not be found without careful observation. Ling Feng thought for a moment, and then thought that his majesty had something to do, so he was in such a hurry.

"Master Ling, this stone statue is the soul of heaven. Our people condensed this stone statue thousands of years ago. At that time, before the wizard died, he said he left a letter in the secret room, saying he left a precious gift. I haven't found it. Master Ling, what do you think?"

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