"I just know that it is said that this place is a place for saints to practice, and there is a pool for cultivation." alliance leader Mingren said quickly, and then went in. Ling Feng followed him into the secret room. There is not much space in it, it is a cave, and there is strong aura everywhere. Alliance leader Mingren was right. There is a pool in it, and in the pool, More aura.

Ling Feng looked at the bottom of the pool and felt something. He smiled at the corners of his mouth and said, "I didn't expect there was a baby hidden here."

After that, Ling Feng came to the pool. The chaotic aura started in an instant. The whole pool began to spread towards both sides, revealing something at the bottom. It was a stone with light, and there was plenty of aura. It was this stone. Although it was not a big spiritual pulse, Ling Feng was more excited.

"This is the spirit vein crystal stone." Ling Feng is very Jingha. From his surprised tone, we can see that the spirit vein crystal stone is very not simple, and the scarcity of the spirit vein crystal stone is even higher than that of the big spirit vein. It is said that the breeding environment of the spirit vein crystal stone is very harsh, but it has a strong aura. Many immortal sects use the spirit vein crystal stone as the eye of the big array, We can see its importance.

Moreover, the spirit vein spar is also an important material for refining many spirit tools. Its hardness is very high. In the fairy world, the spirit vein spar is very useful. Although there is a very small piece in front of Ling Feng, it is also very good.

"It seems that my harvest is good this time." Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction. He was very happy. With the spirit vein crystal stone, he can repair the spirit armor in the shortest time. This time, the spirit armor has been greatly damaged. If there is no spirit vein crystal stone, I'm afraid it will take several months to completely repair it. Now with the spirit pulse, it's different. He can repair it in a short time, After all, this is also the best material to repair Reiki armor.

Before that, Ling Feng opened the Hunyuan ring and released sakazaki lily. Before, in order to resist the air bomb, he forced sakazaki Lily into the Hunyuan ring. Now there is no crisis, and sakazaki Lily should come out.

"Master, where am I? What happened just now? I really want to enter a very dark space." sakazaki Lily looked at Ling Feng in doubt as soon as she came out. Before, he followed Ling Feng and witnessed that Ling Feng destroyed the 19th division and many troops. What hot weapons and high-tech weapons are slag in front of Ling Feng. I'm afraid no one can match this ability.

Looking at the sudden appearance of sakazaki lily, Mingren alliance leader and Mingren xiangphosphorus were covered. What's the situation? They suddenly changed into living people. Where did this person come from? It's weird to appear out of thin air.

"You don't have to ask so many questions. Well, there's nothing for you here. All of you should step down. You can't come in without my permission." alliance leader Mingren, Mingren xiangphosphorus and sakazaki Lily nodded, and then they all stepped back. Seeing that the three of them stepped down, Ling Feng restored the pool, and then entered the pool to practice. He chose the original position of spirit vein crystal stone and sat down, Reiki began to enter his body for rapid cultivation and repair Ling Feng's injured body. Soon, Ling Feng closed his eyes and began to run Hunyuan duel. His body was wrapped by aura, and time passed slowly.

I don't know how long later, Ling Feng suddenly felt hot and dry all over. It was very wrong. He suddenly opened his eyes and found that Mingren xiangphosphorus was kneeling beside him to serve him. Ling Feng was furious and slapped him.


Mingren fragrant phosphorus was directly hit and flew, and then fell on the edge of the pool, with blood on the corners of his mouth. He looked very pitiful. If someone else would have pity on her, but Ling Feng didn't feel it. In his eyes, Mingren fragrant phosphorus was just a dirty mole ant.

"You really want to die and dare to come in. As I said before, you are not allowed to enter. It seems that you are disobedient." Ling Feng said coldly.

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