The Ling family is too powerful. They have no strength to resist. After all, the Ling family has a demon. Master Ling can overcome everything by relying on master Ling alone. Many people still remember what master Ling did in four or five cities three years ago, that is, killing. It is very arrogant. All the major families against the Ling family were driven away or destroyed. If you want to fight against the Ling family, you must figure out how to fight master Ling, otherwise the consequences will be a dead end.

Ling Feng sat in the first row, a few minutes from the auction. Everyone who should come came. The auction soon began. The host first introduced the location and benefits of the land. It took more than ten minutes before he began to say the price of the land.

"The starting price is 800 million. Now start bidding. You can bid."

As the owner's voice fell, many companies began to discuss that the land was large, equivalent to ten football fields. It was an emperor who had never been reclaimed, and there was only one road to Lingjia Manor on the mountain. Ling Feng's idea is to directly get through the whole mountain up and down, and then start building the square and attic of the Ling family. At that time, let the earth's spiritual pulse integrate into the whole mountain, and the aura covers the Ling family. Start the guard array to make the whole Ling family a real blessed place.

Ling Dongmei raised the sign in her hand and said faintly, "800 million."

Hearing Ling Dongmei's bid, naturally no one dares to say anything. Whoever dares to fight the Ling family is simply dying early. The host can also see it, and then said, "Ling's group offered 800 million, and no one offered higher than 800 million."

The whole hall was silent, and the host continued: "in this case, this land belongs to Ling group..."

Before the host finished his words, he was interrupted by a voice.

"900 million."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked that someone dared to bid. This was a blatant confrontation with the Ling family. Everyone looked at each other. After all, the people who could sit here were big people in four or five cities.

"I'll go. Who is it? Such arrogance dares to oppose the Ling family."

"I just don't know what to do. Now let's see how the Ling family handles it. There's a good play to see."

Everyone talked. They saw a middle-aged man in a high-grade hand-made suit at the back, and then asked curiously, "who is this?"

"We've never seen them before. They dare to oppose the Ling family. Don't they know the power of master Ling?"

"I don't know what to do. They're dead. Let's watch."

Everyone recognized the result. This is four or five cities and the territory of the Ling family. Anyone who can fight the Ling family can suppress everything by relying on master Ling alone. The middle-aged man showed a confident smile. He didn't pay attention to the Ling family at all, but he looked at a young man aside. Obviously, this young man is the master and he is just a follower.

"This Ling family is interesting, but it's not our opponent at all." the young man said with a smile.

"Burning paper, the Ling family is just a small family. How can they compare with us? It's just overestimating their strength and asking for hardship." the middle-aged man said disdainfully.

"The Ling family has a master Ling and is a good opponent. We must meet him this time when we come to four or five cities to see what she can do." the young man said very arrogantly and didn't pay attention to master Ling at all.

"Last time, the second boy in the official family offended master Ling and was killed by master Ling." the middle-aged man said again.

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