Many people laughed at Ling Feng's goods. Who is Zhou Bowen? It's Mr. Zhou of the Zhou family. How can you invite such an 18-year-old man.

And Ling Feng listened to their ridicule and ignored it at all.

At this time, someone shouted, "the owner of the Zhou museum is out!" then the noisy crowd immediately quieted down. Many people stretched out their necks to see Mr. Zhou Bowen and Mr. Zhou.

Zhou Bowen in Tang costume and Zhou Yuxin in sportswear came directly to the door. When they saw Ling Feng, they came directly. Zhou Bowen respectfully said, "master Ling, please come inside!"

Ling Feng smiled and nodded.

The person who just laughed at Ling Feng felt his face burning and painful, like being slapped. They watched Ling Feng be invited in by Zhou Bowen. They still couldn't believe it was true.

"It's incredible that the owner of hall Zhou is so respectful to that young man. Am I dreaming?"

"No, i... I saw it too!"

Ling Feng didn't hear the people behind him talking about him in surprise, but directly followed Zhou Bowen to a teahouse. It seems that this teahouse is rarely open to the public.

After Ling Feng sat down, Zhou Bowen said to Zhou Yuxin, "Yuxin, you make tea!"


Zhou Yuxin nodded and then began to make tea. The tea they used was the tea "Dahongpao". It is said that this Dahongpao was quite famous, and it was the favorite of many superiors in those years and the most expensive tea in the world.

Many people can't buy it with money. Zhou Bowen's "Dahongpao" was given to her by a comrade in arms that year. He wasn't willing to drink at all. This time, he specially entertained Ling Feng.

Zhou Yuxin's tea making skills are skilled and elegant. Like a painting, she is no worse than a professional tea artist, and Zhou Yuxin's beauty is even better.

Ling Feng really didn't expect Zhou Yuxin's tea making skills to be so high, and he could be so quiet when making tea. He always thought Zhou Yuxin was a careless girl. It seems that he was really wrong.

Now Zhou Yuxin is more gentle, calm and has the unique charm of women.

Looking at Ling Feng's eyes, Zhou Yuxin kept staring at the tea maker. Zhou Bowen smiled and said, "master Ling, how is Yuxin's tea making skill?"

"Good, very good!"

This is the first time that Ling Feng praises Zhou Yuxin. After hearing this, she has a little more joy in her heart. She looks up and secretly looks at Ling Feng, but Ling Feng has turned his head and is not looking at her!

Soon, the tea was ready. Zhou Yuxin poured the tea and stood next to Zhou Bowen.

"Yuxin, don't stand, sit down and taste your tea, which is also good for your improvement!" Zhou Bowen looked at Zhou Yuxin and said with a smile.

The taste of tea is not only related to tea and water, but the most important thing is the people who make tea. With the same tea and the same water, different people will naturally make different tastes.

As the heir of the Zhou family, Zhou Yuxin learned to make tea since childhood, and her tea art level is among the best in Haicheng.

Hearing Zhou Bowen's words, Zhou Yuxin sat down next to her. Although she often has a proud expression, she has very strict rules in front of Zhou Bowen. It can be seen that the Zhou family has strict tutoring.

"Master Ling, how about Yuxin's craft!" Zhou Bowen made an invitation gesture, and then smiled at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng picked up the small ceramic cup in front of him, drank it gently and tasted it carefully. Tea is very strong, but Ling Feng hasn't studied it. He prefers wine to tea.

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