"OK, you're welcome. That's what I should do." Ling Feng smiled, and Ling Xue immediately felt that she had become a 100W light bulb and hurriedly said:

"Second brother, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. I'll go first. I'll go home myself later."

With that, Ling Xue left directly. Of course, Ling Feng knew why Ling Xue left, so he smiled and said, "let's go."

Tang Xin nodded. Now she knows that the person standing in front of her is master Ling. She feels very stressed. After all, the image of master Ling is very deep in his mind. Facing master Ling is like facing an ancient emperor. They walked at will and came to the lake before a while. The night scenery by the lake was very beautiful. Ling Feng stopped and looked at Tang Xin.

As like as two peas feel shy, Tang Xin is looked at by Ling Feng, and his head is small. His face is red. He is very embarrassed. He can see what is deep and missing from Lingfeng's eyes. Tang Xin is very puzzled: "why is he looking deep in his eyes? Is it the same girl as me?"

"Tang Xin, look up," said Ling Feng.

Tang Xin raised her head and looked excited with a little red face. She didn't know what Ling Feng was going to do. She was very uncomfortable. Ling Feng reached out and gently touched Tang Xin's face

Tang Xin didn't hide, but her face became more red, like a red apple. Ling Feng sighed and said, "you're alone."

Confidante as like as two peas confidante, Tang Xin said, before Ling Feng told her that she was exactly like the Lingfeng maid.

As like as two peas as like as two peas, "why do you want me to stay with you?" asked what he asked. He finally understood why master Ling would be so gentle with himself. If he were not the same person as Ling master, he would never have talked to himself.

"Yes, you have her secret with you. There is no coincidence in the world. You must have something to do with her." Ling Feng nodded.

"But what secret will I have?" Tang Xin asked suspiciously.

"I don't know for the time being. Maybe you can tell me, do you know your birthday?" Ling Feng asked suspiciously.

Tang Xin flashed a trace of sadness in her eyes and said, "I don't know. I was picked up by my parents."

"What are you talking about? Did you pick it up?" Ling Feng asked suspiciously. His intuition told himself that Tang Xin was not simple. Her life experience must hide some secret. The secret may be related to ling'er.

"Yes, even my adoptive parents don't know my life experience. They just know that I was picked up by them and in the primeval forest. At that time, my mother seemed to be attracted by something. Then she went there and saw the visions of heaven and earth, and there are many flowers around me." Tang Xin said.

"Well, did your parents tell you where they found you in the primeval forest?" Ling Feng asked.

"It seems to be in Kunlun mountain. My parents were traveling at that time, but they suddenly got lost. My mother said that he always had a voice in his heart asking him to find me, and he found me." Tang Xin said again.

"I see."

Ling Feng understands that Tang Xin's divine knowledge must be related to Kunlun mountain. If he wants to solve this puzzle, he can only go to Kunlun Mountain in person. As long as he knows Tang Xin's divine knowledge, Tang Xin's seal can be solved. Whether Tang Xin is linger's part or not, Ling Feng must find out this matter. He has a plan in mind.

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