Seeing the tit for tat between the two, Mu Yuer hurriedly took Ling Feng to the other side. He knew Wei Qing's character. If he didn't go again, Ling Feng would definitely be hurt by Wei Qing, which would be bad, but Ling Feng patted Mu Yuer's hand and told him not to worry.

Mu yu'er was very confused: "what is Ling Feng doing? When is it now? He doesn't have to worry me. That's all I can do. I just hope he is really a strong man and won't be hurt by Wei Qing."

"I'll give you one last chance." Ling Feng said faintly. His state of mind has been much softer than before. If Wei Qing had died before, he would still stand on Ling Feng's face like he feels good now. Ling Feng wants to refine Yuanying, so his state of mind has been very good.

But if Wei Qing really wants to find Ling Feng's trouble, it will be solved directly. After all, killing him is like crushing an ant. How can ordinary people understand the work style of the sword emperor? He doesn't need to explain to anyone at all.

"You said you gave me a chance, joke. If you want to go over, you can beat me down. Don't worry, I won't step back. Do you have that ability?" Wei Qing said very badly.

Ling Feng frowns. Wei Qing is already challenging his majesty. Ling Feng's divine knowledge moves. A white rainbow sword suddenly appears behind him. He rushes towards Wei Qing at a fast speed. He doesn't give Wei Qing any time at all.


instantaneous. Bai Hongjian had penetrated Wei Qing's body. Wei Qing cried out in pain and was dripping with blood. This sudden scene shocked everyone present. They couldn't believe their eyes and trembled all over. They don't understand what happened in an instant. It's too fast.

Ling Feng waved his big hand, and then Wei Qing suddenly flew out. There was a white sword in his chest. The blood flowed all over his chest. This was the real strong man. The rich second generation who responded trembled and scared half to death. They didn't even dare to breathe. Wei Qingming had the upper hand just now. Why was it suddenly seconds? Now life and death are unknown. It's so shocking.

"You... What have you done to our Weiqing?" Xia Yan said tremblingly. She was very afraid of Lingfeng now, and even her words were intermittent.


Ling Feng stood there with a cold face. At this time, he was like an emperor. He was not afraid of anyone at all.

"I said, do you know who Wei Qing is? He's from the Wei family. You dare to move the Wei family." Xia Yan said loudly, but he was very afraid. Ling Feng was too strong. If he suddenly gave him another sword, she would die.

"You... You... Who are you?"

Wei Qing opened his eyes and said with great difficulty. Although Bai Hongjian penetrated his chest, Ling Feng controlled his strength. He didn't kill Wei Qing, but Wei Qing was a loser in the future. Now half of his life is gone. Ling Feng didn't care about the contradiction between young people.

"You don't have the right to know who I am. As long as you know, it's too easy for me to kill you. You are not as good as mole ants in my eyes." Ling Feng said faintly. This sentence is very eight Qi. Mu yu'er on one side is also very shocked. It's too hard to imagine. The change of this matter is too fast and too sudden.

Although Ling Feng looked tall and cold before, he was very nice, but now Ling Feng was full of murderous spirit, and his momentum crushed everything, just like a king in the world.

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