The Lu family is located on a hill with a very broad area. It is considered to be in the suburbs of Jiangnan City. The Lu family is second only to the Wei family in Jiangnan. Both are large families in Jiangnan. The family location is naturally very luxurious and looks very elegant.

At this time, Ling Feng just came to a place hundreds of meters away from Lu's courtyard. The patrol guards naturally saw Ling Feng. They wouldn't let people of unknown origin like Ling Feng go up. They immediately came to drive away and said, "boy, who are you? You can't come here. Hurry up."

"I was introduced by a friend to Lu's house, looking for Lu Zhong and taking things." Ling Feng said

"What, Lu Zhong, there is no such person here." the guard shook his head and said, while his companions suddenly remembered something and looked surprised. They are defending the Lu family. Naturally, they have heard of Lu Zhong, because Lu Zhong is the master of Lu family. But the very ordinary young man in front of him actually said that he was looking for Master Lu to take things. He was looking for death.

"I don't care who you're looking for. Master Lu's name is not something you can call casually. Hurry up." the arrogant guard said. He was very polite at this time. After all, Ling Feng is just a young man. He dared to call their master's name directly. Isn't it a death wish? If Ling Feng dares to move forward, he will definitely stop him.

"Little brother, you'd better leave. Don't embarrass us, otherwise we can only be rude to you," said another guard. They can become the guards of the Lu family, and their natural strength is not simple.

"You don't have to do this. Go and inform me. Lu Zhong knows I'm coming and will let me in." Ling Feng said faintly.

Ling Feng wanted to go in. In fact, it was very simple. How could the two guards in front of him stop him? The two people were very angry. They helped themselves inform Lu Zhong. In this sentence, how could they inform Lu Zhong? This is nonsense.

"Boy, since you don't want to leave, I'll do it directly." the guard said. At this time, he couldn't stand it and wanted to throw Ling Feng out directly.

Just then, a Mercedes stopped at the door. A young man in his twenties opened the window, wore gold wire glasses, looked at Ling Feng with disdain in his eyes and asked, "what's going on? Who is he?"

When the guard saw the man, he quickly changed his face and said, "it's just a little thing. I'll deal with it quickly."

"Then hurry up. This is the gate of the Lu family. Not everyone can come in, you know?" the young man said. He is the leader of the third generation of the Lu family, Lu He. He is also the youngest young entrepreneur in the Jiangnan business circle and the representative of the whole Jiangnan young talent. His speech and expression reveal a superior momentum.

However, he also has the ability to fight with pride. In the third generation of the whole family, others have no achievements and wait for death. Only he is very unusual and deeply loved by Master Lu, and the Lu family trains him as a successor.

"Yes, don't worry, young master." the two guards nodded quickly.

"Well, Luhe, let's hurry in. Don't waste your time here. Your time is precious, you know?" a cold female voice came from the car. The guard looked at it. It turned out to be a beautiful woman sitting in the co pilot. She looked very cold and proud, but very beautiful.

When Lu he was about to go in, Ling Feng stopped his car and said, "the two guards didn't report just now. You just went in and informed Lu Zhong that someone was looking for him."

Lu he frowned when he heard these words. Lu Zhong is his grandfather. Is he a convergent young man who yells casually? This has made a big taboo in the Lu family. Lu he thought he heard wrong and asked again, "who are you looking for?"

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