"A thousand gold is easy to buy, but a bosom friend is hard to find."

"The city laughs and the country looks back."

The two women seemed to say to themselves.

"Ha ha, it's interesting." Ling Feng nodded. He could feel that the two women were masters. They should be martial artists in terms of rhythm. It's interesting to enter the Tao with piano music.

"The two little women have seen master Ling."

After the two women got up and saluted, they sat down again. Their voice was very peaceful and gentle, but Ling Feng could feel the murderous spirit. It was not easy for the two sisters to turn the country and the city.

Ling Feng said faintly, "I know what you two are here for. They decided to help Cheng family. That's my enemy. I like your piano sound very much. If you quit now, I won't kill you."

"Master Ling joked. We were invited by old Cheng. How could we shrink back? Otherwise, how would the people in martial arts treat our two sisters." Qing Guo said with a smile.

"Their piano sounds are very much like an old friend. I think they have extraordinary musical attainments. Wouldn't it be better for them to stay and play the piano for me?" Ling Feng said with a smile. His words meant ridicule. He just heard their voices and thought of ling'er, so Ling Feng had this idea. Although their piano skills are not as good as one ten thousandth of ling'er, they are good on earth.

"Master Ling joked. How can my two sisters play the piano for master Ling all the time?" Qingguo continued.

"Since you say so, there's no way." Ling Feng shook his head with regret.

"Since master Ling wants to hear our sisters play the piano, the little woman will make a fool of herself."

"Master Ling, please."

"Really? Then I'll enjoy it." Ling Feng said faintly. Then the two women began to wave the strings slowly. The sound of the piano sounded. The whole melody was very beautiful and the sound of the piano confused people. Deeply intoxicated, Ling Feng closed his eyes and enjoyed the beautiful sound of the piano.

But in the sound of the piano, there was a strong murderous spirit, which was mixed in the sound of the piano, and people couldn't detect it. Suddenly, the country fell and fluctuated the strings. The sound of the piano turned into a Reiki Throwing Knife, which directly rushed to Ling Feng. The momentum soared to the sky. There was a strong murderous spirit in the whole air, and this throwing knife can be killed directly even on the ground level. Not far away, the senior management of the Cheng family showed their joy when they saw this scene.

"I think master Ling is dead. He wouldn't think that the sound of the piano is used to kill people."

"Qing Guo Qing Cheng is a strong man. The sound of the Qin can confuse the mind and make people intoxicated inside, so they lose their defense. Even if master Ling's cultivation is profound, but he is confused by the mind, it's over. We're right to invite Qing Guo Qing Cheng to deal with master Ling this time."

The senior members of the Cheng family talked about it one after another. Everyone's face was smiling. Only Cheng Lao didn't speak. He knew that master Ling wouldn't be knocked down so easily, or he wouldn't have extinguished huoqilin and shocked the whole China.

"Although I know Master Ling is very strong, he is sure to lose today. He dares to make an idea of my Cheng family's things. It's killing him." Cheng said to himself.

At this time, the aura flying knife with the illusion of the sound of the piano has approached Ling Feng. Even the air along the way has been cut off by the big knife. The place where the flying knife passes has left a long trace, but Ling Feng still keeps his eyes closed, as if he didn't notice the flying knife, but the country and the city are not relaxed. They are highly alert. They know that master Ling hasn't been confused by the sound of the piano.

When the Throwing Knife rushed to Ling Feng's eyes, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes and shot out a aura, which was composed of chaotic aura.


The two collided, the Throwing Knife disappeared directly, and the sound of the piano stopped. All the senior Cheng family who watched the war were stunned.

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