"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, at the martial arts meeting in the past ten years, I witnessed the leader of the pen attack alliance defeat many strong people with this sword and become the overlord of the Wulin. I didn't expect to see it today. It seems that the leader of the pen attack alliance is serious and wonderful this time." an old martial artist sighed.

"Yes, ten years ago, I first saw the person who took the pen attack leader seriously as soon as he came on the stage. I'm afraid there is only master Ling in front of me. However, although master Ling is strong, his foundation must be unstable, because his cultivation progress is too fast. Master Ling is finished this time."

Many people are not optimistic about Ling Feng. They think they see it very thoroughly, so they talk about it one after another, but they are just a bunch of self righteous guys, and what they see is false.

"Well, the sword is good." Ling Feng looked at the pen cutting and smiled. Compared with what Ling Feng had seen on the earth before, this sword should be regarded as the best.

"Master Ling, take my move." the pen stroke said coldly. As soon as the words fell, he had moved, waved the wind and fallen leaf sword and rushed directly to Ling Feng, and the next second he disappeared. He was fast, turned into a shadow and attacked Ling Feng. His speed was too fast for everyone to see, but his speed was just average in Ling Feng's eyes.

Ling Feng's divine knowledge moved, holding a green spirit sword in his hand. In an instant, the pen cutting had been killed, and his mouth was still smiling.


The two swords collided with each other fiercely. The power of the sword soared to the sky, forming a powerful afterwave, which spread around. Just when Ling Feng was ready to fight back, the stroke disappeared again. The next second, he appeared to kill again, and Ling Feng continued to stop.


This time, the sword of pen cutting was more powerful than before, but this was just the beginning. The figure of pen cutting flickered again and disappeared. He attacked Ling Feng in the same way. If you were someone else, you would definitely suffer from this move. After all, the speed of pen cutting is very fast. If you attack three times, people will not know the direction and expose flaws, but the opponent of pen cutting is Ling Feng, the sword emperor.


Ling Feng was still very relaxed and took it down, but his expression was also a little surprised. Ling Feng could see that the three attacks of pen cutting were fast, accurate and cruel, very extraordinary, and the sword moves were unique. The same attack was used three times, faster and more powerful each time. The power of the three times was very strong, and even the power of the third sword was the sum of the first two swords.

In other words, penmanship can attack three times in a second, and its power should be controlled more and more. This move of pen cutting is very wonderful, which makes all martial artists applaud.

"Pen criticism is worthy of being the leader of our Wulin alliance. You know how strong you are when you make a move."

"It's terrible. It's dazzling. I didn't see it clearly. It's terrible." the martial artists sighed one after another.

"In this second, the leader of the pen attack alliance has cut three times in a row, and each cut is more powerful than before. His speed has exceeded the limit, too fast." many martial artists were shocked and said that the attack speed of the pen attack is too fast, which has exceeded the scope seen by their eyes.

"Master Ling is also very good. He can take it three times in a row and block the attack of the pen attack leader. He is worthy of being master Ling. This fight is really rare in a hundred years."

Pen cutting is strong, but master Ling can block it directly, which is very unusual, and pen cutting is also very shocked. Few people can block his move, but Ling Feng can block it so easily.

"Unexpectedly, master Ling, it's very good that you can take over my move." Bihua said in shock.

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