After pouring Ling Feng a cup of tea, sun's mother said, "Ling Feng, sit down for a while. I'll cook and stay for dinner later."

Ling Feng wanted to refuse. It seemed that she was so happy to see sun Xinjie. She thought she had nothing to do, so she stayed. Sun Xinjie sat next to Ling Feng and talked with Ling Feng all the time about his interesting things after he came to the imperial capital. Ling Feng also said a few words from time to time. The atmosphere between them was very warm.

After about an hour, sun's mother had prepared the meal and asked Ling Feng to have dinner, but Sun Xinjie stood up and said, "Mom, I'll ask sister LAN next door to have dinner. She's also at home today."

"Really? Then go quickly. I'll just introduce you to brother Lingfeng." sun's mother nodded. Then sun Xinjie opened the door and went out. Ling Feng was very curious. Who is the blue sister sun Xinjie said?

Sun's mother seemed to see Ling Feng's inner curiosity, so she said, "it's a girl next door. She's about 20 years old. She's very kind and good. When Xinjie and I first came, we didn't understand anything. Thanks to knowing him, she helped us a lot, so we got familiar with him. Xinjie likes to find her."

"So it is."

Ling Feng nodded. He knew that his grandmother and sun Xinjie had no friends when they came to the imperial capital. It was difficult to get used to living in the imperial capital. In this way, it was good to have someone to help them and quickly integrate into the metropolis.

After a while, sun Xinjie came in with her sister LAN. When Ling Feng and sister LAN looked at each other, they were stunned.

"Why are you?"

"Why are you here?"

The two people said at the same time. To their surprise, the blue sister sun Xinjie said was LAN yanxuan he hadn't seen for a long time. LAN yanxuan once pursued Ling Feng, but then they gradually walked away. They thought they hadn't said a word in their life. They were meeting, but they didn't expect the chance to meet again.

"Hmm? Brother Lingfeng, do you know my sister LAN?" Sun Xinjie looked at them suspiciously and asked.

"Yes, I've known you for a long time, but I haven't seen you for a long time." Ling Feng said with a smile. For him, LAN yanxuan is a passer-by. Although he knows that LAN yanxuan has always liked him, they are not the same people. LAN yanxuan can't forget Ling Feng. Now he is very happy to meet again, because she will never forget Ling Feng.

Ling Feng has taken root in her heart. She will dream of master Ling in the market, and LAN yanxuan also knows that Ling Feng is master Ling. They are not the same people. In her heart, she just wants to love so simply all the time.

Sun Xinjie looked at them very wrong, so she asked, "brother Lingfeng and sister LAN used to be lovers."

Ling Feng didn't say anything, but just smiled. LAN yanxuan's face turned red. She glanced at Ling Feng and sounded the previous things. She still remembered the scene of seeing Ling Feng for the first time, Ling Feng once took her to fly, and many stories between them. This meal was the happiest meal LAN yanxuan had eaten these days.

After dinner, LAN yanxuan said she wanted to go out for some air and asked Ling Feng if she wanted to go together. Ling Feng nodded. On the roof, Ling Feng and LAN yanxuan stood there. The wind was strong, but they didn't say a word. At this time, LAN yanxuan had become more mature and was no longer the little girl.

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