"A mole ant, too much nonsense." Ling Feng frowned, very unhappy. Then he looked at the four Gao Zeng from the Venus Group. At this time, the four of them had been scared to death, and the regiment headquarters knelt down.

"I think you should know what to do." Ling Feng said faintly. It's meaningless for him to kill these people. It's better to keep them.

"We know, sir, spare your life." the senior executives quickly nodded. If they can't even hear the implication of this sentence, what else should they do? Yu Kuan is the most anxious. He just heard Jinbiao. He has sent a killer to his villa to kill Yu Mengmeng. At this time, Yu Mengmeng is in the villa. The situation must be very dangerous now.

"Mr. Ling, what about the villa..." Yu Kuan looked at Ling Feng and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll handle the villa." Ling Feng said with your head. Then a light flickered, and Ling Feng had disappeared.

At this time, outside Yu Kuan's villa, more than a dozen figures in night clothes are approaching the villa quickly. They are fast and look very sensitive. Even the camera can't capture their figures. They are professional killers. They are used by Jinxing group to assassinate top experts and perform special tasks. Many people have studied ninja in turtle alliance.

This time, they followed Jin Biao's orders and came to Yu Kuan's villa to assassinate Yu Kuan, the boss of Shenlong Group. At this time, Yu Mengmeng was playing with his mobile phone in the villa hall. In the afternoon, Yu Kuan once told him to stay at home and not go out. After all, Ling Feng killed Jin Xiaohang. This time is too special.

But Yu Kuan didn't expect that the gold standard would be crazy enough to call a killer to their villa for assassination. Yu Mengmeng played with her mobile phone and was ready to go upstairs. At this time, a figure suddenly appeared outside the window and flashed quickly.

"Hmm? Who is it?"

Yu Mengmeng is quite sharp. He suddenly sees the figure outside the window flashing past. He doesn't press it in his heart. Yu Mengmeng is very confused and thinks, "are you dazzled?"

Just when he was wondering, suddenly he saw more than a dozen people in black in the hall, all holding daggers and full of murderous spirit. They stood in different positions in the hall to prevent someone from escaping.

"It's a killer."

Yu Mengmeng thought of the identity of these people in front of him for the first time. It was terrible to come in quietly. At this time, Yu Mengmeng looked pale and asked tremblingly, "who are you? What are you doing here?"

But none of the killers present answered Yu Mengmeng, which made Yu Mengmeng more frightened. At this time, a killer rushed directly at Yu Mengmeng's neck with a dagger. The speed was fast. Yu Mengmeng's face was pale. He knew he had no power to resist, so she closed her eyes and was very afraid. The killer saw this scene and smiled at the corners of her mouth.

The girl in front of him is not even a warrior. This task is too simple and there is no challenge at all, but suddenly, the killer's intuition tells him that it is very dangerous. These killers have a strong sixth sense and have helped them avoid disasters again and again. At this time, the killer has smelled the smell of death. He is very upset and wants to take back the dagger quickly. Unfortunately, It's too late now.

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