"Bang. Bang..."

The sound of the collision between Bai Hong's sword and the killer's body was constantly remembered in the hall. None of the remaining killers missed the net. They all died under the sword. Some people had several swords. Their death patterns were completely different. The scene was very shocking, bloody and looked very bright. If killing is also an art, the killers who died at this time can definitely be awarded the special prize, Looking at such a terrible scene of face to face, Yu Mengmeng was completely speechless, and no words could express his inner feelings at this time.

In Ling Feng's eyes, human life is nothing but mole ants. In a minute, he killed the killers who rushed into the villa, as if they were indifferent all over and had no emotion. Today, Ling Feng has killed Jin Xiaohang, his bodyguards and current killers. Who is Ling Feng in front of?

Is he a murderer, but when he chats with himself in the afternoon, he is very gentle and polite. In front of his girlfriends, he is like a big brother, but when he kills, he is cold-blooded and terrible. Is he really a murderer? Yu Mengmeng looked at Ling Feng and kept guessing.

But what Yu Mengmeng didn't expect was that Ling Feng just looked back at him at this time, so he was very flustered. Ling Feng smiled and asked, "what's the matter? What are you looking at me for?"

"Ah? I... I didn't, I didn't." Yu Mengmeng quickly took back her eyes and didn't dare to look at Ling Feng.

"You make me feel terrible." Ling Feng said in a very quiet voice, but Yu Mengmeng heard it clearly. Yu Mengmeng whispered in his heart: "Of course you are terrible. You are even more terrible than many people and those kings in ancient China. You killed more than a dozen well-trained killers when waving. That murderous spirit scared me out of speaking."

"By the way, Ling Feng, thank you. If you hadn't appeared in time, I would have died today." Yu Mengmeng said quickly. If Ling Feng hadn't suddenly appeared, I'm afraid he would have died. It's impossible to stand here well.

"Nothing, but just killing a few mole ants." Ling Feng shook his head and said.

"By the way, what shall we do now? Where's my father?" Yu Mengmeng asked suspiciously. At this time, the door of the villa was pushed open, and the person who came in happened to be Yu Kuan. As soon as Yu Kuan came in, he saw the bodies of those killers lying on the ground. He was very shocked, and they were covered with many white long swords.

"Dad, you're back at last." Yu Mengmeng looked at Yu Kuan coming in, rushed over and hugged him.

"It's OK, as long as you're OK." Yu Kuan finally put down his hanging heart when he saw that his daughter had nothing at all. After all, Yu Mengmeng was the only relative left in the world, so he said gratefully: "thank you very much, Mr. Ling."

"Nothing, this thing happened because of me. I will not let go of the Jin family." Ling Feng's eyes are full of murderous spirit. He is ready to destroy the whole Jin family fortune group. No matter how powerful their Jin family is in HC country, it is not worth mentioning in Ling Feng's eyes. HC country is just a small country, not as powerful as turtle country.

"Does Mr. Ling mean to sell to deal with the Jinjia consortium?" Yu Kuan asked in shock.

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