"OK, I see. Let me know if you have any latest news." Jin Youxian said and was ready to turn off the communicator, but at this time, he saw a terrible scene that he couldn't forget in his life. In the picture, the commander's chest has been penetrated by a white flying sword.

"This... What's going on? Who can tell me." Jin Youxian was stunned. Then, a young man appeared in the picture. The other party smiled and said, "sorry, I came to negotiate on behalf of the Shen family, but I accidentally killed your dog."

"You,,,,," Jin Youxian wanted to say something, but the communication was broken and blurred. Hundreds of people of the patrol team at the foot of the mountain were killed in just a few minutes. How is this possible? He can't believe it. You know, these hundreds of people are equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment. They can be said to be the elite of the elite. Even ordinary regiment level troops can't resist this force. But now, the presence of Shen family special envoy in the command room can only explain everything.

"Let our troops go out to stop him immediately. I don't believe that the troops I raised will not kill him. Let him know that it's hard for me to break in here." Jin Youxian gave an order. Since he dared to invade the Jin family, there was only one way to die. The housekeeper went out at once and carried out his orders.

"I don't believe that you can resist the shells of the troops trained by the Jin family, and I'll kill you." Jin Youxian said very confidently. The Jin family has equipment that can be equipped with an armed division, even artillery and aircraft, and there are 8000 troops behind. It's very strong. If one person breaks into the Jin family, he is looking for death. The final result of the confrontation between the warrior and the hot weapon can only be a dead end.

Jin Youxian waved again to frighten people in, and then said, "inform all the senior executives of the Jin family to come to the hall for a meeting. There is an emergency."

"So handsome, Ling Feng, you are so handsome. It's really exciting."

At the foot of the mountain, Yu Mengmeng worshipped Ling Feng and said that her eyes were full of fire. Just now she followed Ling Feng behind her and walked all the way. She watched Ling Feng constantly kill. Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers were killed by Ling Feng's flying sword. They were bleeding and very exciting. Yu Mengmeng remembered a sentence in the game. Kill one person in ten steps and stay for thousands of miles.

"Hmm? You don't think I'm cold-blooded?" Ling Feng said with a smile. He was very clean, and there wasn't a drop of blood on him. Yu Mengmeng was full of longing for his powerful posture.

"No, I don't feel cold-blooded. On the contrary, I feel very hot-blooded. Even now I feel the blood boiling in my whole body. This feeling is like watching China's Centennial war TV series." Yu Mengmeng said excitedly. At first, he was very worried. After all, Ling Feng faced hundreds of heavily armed troops, which is not an ordinary role at all, Even with high martial arts, I'm afraid of kitchen knives, not to mention a group of soldiers with automatic rifles.

But soon Yu Mengmeng found that he was wrong. Ling Feng's body glittered. All the bullets stayed in the version canon. It was invincible. Then Ling Feng waved his big hand, and countless flying swords appeared in the sky. They rushed down towards the soldiers. After a round, all the soldiers died. This is the immortal, which has refreshed Yu Mengmeng's cognition.

"By the way, Ling Feng, you just killed so many of them, but they didn't respond at all. Unexpectedly, no one came?" Yu Mengmeng asked curiously.

"If you feel very quiet, look at the sky." Ling Feng said with a smile.

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