"It's all right." Ling Feng waved his hand and said.

"Master Ling, please take your seat." the child made a gesture of invitation. Then Ling Feng and Firebird went to the carriage and sat down. The two dragons roared and seemed very dissatisfied. Seeing this, the child directly picked up the record in his hand and went down with a whip. The two dragons looked like scales that could not be penetrated by knives and guns. Under the whip, they actually broke their skin and flesh, and immediately the two dragons lowered their heads.

"Master Ling laughed. These two evil animals are usually lax in discipline, so they are very rude. We must teach them a lesson to be obedient." the child said with a smile, and the two dragons took the carriage and walked towards the island.

The whole island is full of vitality and abundant aura. It's like entering a fairyland. Ling Feng is a little surprised. He didn't expect that there is such a place in HC alliance. It seems that the saint Haiwen is really not simple.

The area of the island was very large. Jiaolong took the carriage and flew for a few minutes before Ling Feng and them reached the place where the saint Haiwen was located. This should be the center of the island. All Auras gather here. There is a stone table and stone chair in the center. An old man sits there. The old man is smiling and has no momentum all over. He is no different from ordinary old people. Jiaolong comes down and lies on the ground in a regular way. It can be seen that he is very awed of the old man.

"Master Ling, this way, please." the child was very polite and made a gesture of invitation. Ling Feng nodded, got off the carriage with Firebird and walked towards the old man. The old man in front of him is the winner Haiwen. He has lived nearly 500 years and his life has come to an end. Haiwen shouted to Ling Feng with a different color in his eyes.

"Master Ling, I've heard a lot about you. Please sit down." Haiwen said with a smile.

Ling Feng sat down and kept looking at Haiwen. Haiwen looked like an ordinary old man, but he had an amazing momentum. Once it broke out, it was very terrible. Moreover, Ling Feng actually felt that Haiwen's breathing was similar to the breathing method of the fairy world. It should be practicing a very ancient Taoist art. This surprised Ling Feng. Unexpectedly, the Haiwen was so different.

"Firebird, long time no see. How's your captain recently?" Haiwen asked with a smile. He has a very good relationship with the captain of the divine beast.

"The Firebird has seen the saint Haiwen. The captain is very well recently. Please worry about the saint." the Firebird said with a smile. He didn't reveal the disappearance of the captain.

Haiwen nodded, looked at Ling Feng and said, "master Ling came to HC alliance this time, but it caused a lot of killing. Our practitioners should have been merciful and have no desire, but master Ling broke the commandment."

The Jin family of HC alliance was destroyed, and the whole Han City triggered a super earthquake. How could Haiwen not know? Although Haiwen's words are very bottleneck, Ling Feng can hear that Haiwen is criticizing Ling Feng, and his tone is as high as that of his predecessors.

In his heart, he accused Ling Feng of killing too heavily. After all, Haiwen is also a member of HC alliance. Ling Feng frowned and said, "since you are a practitioner, you should obey your original heart, have no desire and no desire, but it's a lie. If you do something and don't do something, since you provoke me, you should be aware of death."

Ling Feng fought back very decisively without a trace of retreat. In his eyes, compassion and no desire are all hypocrisy. People should obey their original heart. Not to mention, in Ling Feng's eyes, those people are just mole ants and kill them if they kill them.

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