"So, have those people gone to the ice island now?" Ling Feng asked again.

"No, they should be in the bar in the town now. They have been in the bar these days. They don't know whether to drink or inquire about the news of ice island." atasa told Ling Feng that he had paid special attention to the dynamics of these people before. After listening to his words, Ling Feng turned and left. He wanted to go to the bar to see who these people were and dared to rob Millennium snow ginseng with him, It's death.

"You... Where are you going?" atasa asked suspiciously.

"To the bar, of course."

"Can I go with you?" atasa asked suspiciously.

"It's up to you." Ling Feng said indifferently. If atasa is willing to follow, follow.

"I can feel that you are not a bad person. At least you give me the feeling that you are more pleasing to the eye than their group. Moreover, my grandfather once said that Chinese people are very friendly." attasa said after Ling Feng.

Ling Feng didn't say anything. They came to the bar against the wind and snow. The area of the small town is small, and there is only one bar. The outdoor temperature has reached dozens of degrees below zero. It's freezing and snowy. It's really terrible. Atasa told Ling Feng that the wind and snow will be very heavy these days, and the temperature will drop sharply. He doesn't know why. Before, it was more than 30 degrees below zero every year. Only this year, it has reached more than 50 degrees below zero, almost 60 degrees.

But the bar is very warm and there are many people. Many sexy dancers dance in the center, attracting the eyes of many people. It is intoxicating to see such a grand scene in the cold town. There are spirits and women here, which can be said to be the only entertainment place in the town.

After Ling Feng and atasa came in, they found a seat and sat down. Atasa kept looking around, but frowned and said, "no, why didn't I see them?"

"Hmm? You mean they're not here? Where will they go?" Ling Feng asked.

"Wait a minute, let me look again." attasa also felt very wrong, so she looked more carefully. After a while, she said to Ling Feng: "look at the guy holding a woman on the fourth table in the west, he is one of them, but I only saw him once."

Ling Feng looked to the West. He was tall and typical of Westerners. He was holding a woman and was going to the bedroom on the second floor of the bar.

Ling Feng saw this scene and directly got up and followed him. Atasa also followed Ling Feng and walked over together.

On the second floor of the bar, several luxurious and pragmatic rooms were prepared. The Western man holding the girl was in the first bedroom. He was very uncomfortable these days. When he came here, he didn't feel a woman. When he was ready to do it, the Western man suddenly felt that the room was full of murderous spirit and said vigilantly, "who is it?"

The man looked around warily and didn't find anything unusual. He just thought he felt wrong. Suddenly, Ling Feng pushed the door and came in. Atasa followed him closely. Ling Feng looked at the man and said coldly, "tell me who you are and what you're doing here. I'll spare you."

"Boy, you're looking for death," the man said coldly. Then he stretched out his hands with two powerful flames in his hands. Atasa was shocked when he saw him. Who is this man? A flame suddenly appeared on his hand. Isn't it difficult to be afraid that his arm was burnt? It's strange that there should be such people in the world, but can the young people in front of them resist it? Atasa was very worried.

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