"With your mole ants, you are also qualified to talk to the local screen Millennium snow ginseng. It's shameless. The Millennium snow ginseng is local and no one can take it away." Ling Feng smiled disdainfully. How could a group of mole ants agree to talk to him?

"Boy, you are too arrogant." the living method is old and angry. He has whispered down, but he didn't expect the other party to be so boastful. It's ants when he opens and closes his mouth. The old living method is also a big man in the whole west. There are many disciples. Among them, there is a big man. No one dares to be presumptuous in front of him. The blood count next to him is also very angry. The momentum of the whole man broke out. Although Thomas is calm on the surface, he is murderous in the heart. They are all big men, but Ling Feng said he was a mole ant. How can they bear it.

"I'll give you the mole ants a chance. Get out of here. I'll only say it once for the mole ants." Ling Feng said blandly. He looked down at the old people of huofa and said angrily:

"Boy, you're looking for death. Let's go together. I can't kill him. No one can rob the Millennium snow ginseng today."

Then the group used their housekeeping skills. The energy in the cave soared to the sky. The living method always waved the staff and used the strongest spiritual attack to kill Ling Feng. The count of blood took the bleeding red knife to form a powerful shock wave and rushed to Ling Feng. All the light people used their unique skills to rush to Ling Feng.

"Do a bunch of mole ants still want to fight back? Today, the emperor will send you to hell." Ling Feng said coldly. With Ling Feng's voice falling, countless green spirit swords appeared in the cave, and the sword potential soared to the sky. Powerful sword power came down. Under each sword, there was chaos and black inflammation. The temperature of minus 50 degrees suddenly became hot.

Ling Feng stood on the rock, like an emperor, exuding a strong momentum. At this time, the old huofa group had rushed over. They were the top strong men in the West. They were powerful and were not afraid of the pressure of the green spirit sword. However, when they saw the scene above their heads, they were trembling all over.

"Go to hell."

Ling Feng said faintly that countless green spirit swords suddenly attacked, and the sword rain fell all over the sky, directly covering the living method elders and others. The sword was powerful and fell on them. Each green spirit sword was full of amazing destructive power.


The continuous explosions broke out and defeated their attack. In front of absolute strength, any moves were useless.

"So strong."

The old huofa trembled and said that not only the old huofa trembled, but all the strong people couldn't help trembling.

"Everyone hurry to defend."

The living Dharma Master waved his staff and formed a light mask to wrap him up to prevent the green spirit sword from rushing down in the sky. Other strong men also defended one after another. They didn't dare to fight against the green spirit sword and had to defend passively. Under the attack of Ling Feng's sword array, they were powerless at all.

"A group of mole ants, your resistance is useless." Ling Feng smiled coldly. Each of his green spirit swords had a powerful chaos black inflammation, which was enough to kill the strong of the imperial level, not to mention now, countless green spirit swords attacked together.

And Ling Feng's sword, as long as Ling Feng's divine sense is constant, can attack all the time, form a sword array and completely kill the enemy. Every time a green spirit sword strikes, there will be a new green spirit sword to fill, endless.

Ling Feng looked at the old group of huofa with a cold face. His eyes were full of contempt. The most powerful sword repair was to use the divine sword to kill everything without doing it yourself.


The deafening explosion sounded one after another. Several strong people couldn't resist it. They were directly penetrated by the green spirit sword. They were bleeding. Under the attack of Ling Feng, they were too weak. Even if there is a powerful magic power, it is useless. It can only be crushed.

At the end of a round, the opponent will be left with the three-dimensional strong one. Everyone else has died, and the old shield of living method has been covered with skin and marrow. He can't resist and supports hard.

The blood count's arm was penetrated by the green spirit sword, dripping with blood. The chaotic black inflammation on the green spirit sword kept burning his body. Thomas's face was pale. He used the most powerful defense skills and spent his vitality to resist the attack of the green spirit sword.

The living method always looks at the strong man who falls in a pool of blood. He is shocked. The other party is too strong. This is rolling.

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