"Go, don't kill yourself too hard." Jianshuang reminded.

"Don't worry, sister Jianshuang, I have a sense of propriety." the young man nodded and said, with a playful smile on his mouth. At this time, there are many martial artists around. They all come to see the excitement. After all, the other party is Lingyan Pavilion.

"It's awesome to break loose. I dare to provoke Lingyan Pavilion. Who doesn't know that provoking Lingyan Pavilion will be a dead end. No one dares to be presumptuous in front of Lingyan Pavilion. It's really trying to die."

"Such a fool still comes to the ruins to find opportunities. Isn't this death?"

The onlookers talked about him one after another. They didn't believe that Ling Feng dared to show off in front of Ling Yange. Hou GUI was very serious. Even if he didn't die, he would be disabled.

Bing Ling didn't expect that Ling Feng would offend Ling Yange for his sake. He must protect his only teammate, so he stood up and said, "Jianshuang, are you going too far? I apologize for today's matter. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can come to me."

"Ha ha, you? Your stupid Shifu has violated the ban of Lingyan Pavilion, and her accomplishments have been abandoned and driven out of Lingyan Pavilion. What qualifications do you have for an ugly woman to let me do it? Is it too arrogant?" Jianshuang said with great disdain.

"My master didn't violate the ban at all. He was framed. That's not the case at all." Bing Ling continued. The fool in Jianshuang's mouth is his master and his only relative in the world. She was originally a member of Lingyan Pavilion, but she was falsely accused of violating the prohibition of Lingyan Pavilion, being abandoned for cultivation, and even unable to practice again all her life.

"Hahaha, you said it was a frame up. How dare you question the law enforcement elder of Lingyan Pavilion? Even if it was a frame up, what can you do now?" Jianshuang said with a smile, proud for a while.

Bing Ling sighed. He grew up in Lingyan Pavilion since he was a child, so of course he knows that Lingyan Pavilion is as powerful as Jianshuang. Even if the law enforcement elder framed his master, what can he do? And his heart envies mu Jianshuang. He can walk step by step from an external disciple to an internal disciple, and become a popular man in front of an elder, but his talent is too poor, It can't compare with sword frost.

"Ling Feng, let's go. Ling Yange is too strong for us to provoke." Bing Ling whispered, but it's too late for them to leave now. The burly young man stood not far away from them, with great momentum. Ling Feng also felt the tension in Bing Ling's heart, and then said faintly: "Nothing. He's just a mole ant. I'll teach him a lesson. What's Lingyan Pavilion in my eyes?"

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Bing Ling thought to herself, "is Ling Feng really stupid or pretending? Is he the direct disciple of which sect? He can not be afraid of Ling Yange, but how can such a person form a team with himself?"

Bing Ling has been thinking in her heart, but she has no answer. Now she can only pray that the farce will not be too serious. If it doesn't work, he can run away with Ling Feng. The big deal is not the chance of the ruins.

"Ling Feng, be careful. This young man is a disciple of the sword sect affiliated to Ling Yange. His name is Yang Kai. Their sword skills are very overbearing. You must be careful. You can't use my sword." Bing Ling said that what he can help Ling Feng is to tell Ling Feng the details of each other, hoping to attract Ling Feng's attention. Ice cold uses a soft sword, not a spirit tool, which is very common.

"No, this kind of mole ant doesn't deserve my sword." Ling Feng said with a smile and went straight up. For him, Yang Kai is just a mole ant. He can kill it with his fingers. He doesn't need to pay attention at all. Moreover, Ling Feng doesn't disdain fighting with mole ants at all.

Yang Kai took out the sword. When the sword was shot, it was dazzling. At first glance, it was not an ordinary product and had a strong momentum. Yang Kai said confidently: "sister Jianshuang, don't worry. I can defeat him with a sword."

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