Before coming, the wolf king was very confident that he would be able to kill master Ling and avenge his brother. But now, when he heard that the blood emperor was killed by master Ling, there was a fear in his heart. Instead of giving up his plan to kill master Ling, he moved to the dark and was ready to wait for the opportunity to kill master Ling.

Other strongmen are the same. They have left country y one after another, or hide and wait for the best time. They all think they can't face master Ling. Master Ling is too terrible. For a time, master Ling's reputation reached the peak again. Like a true God, no one dared to say anything or deal with master Ling. After all, it was tantamount to death.

Country y suffered heavy losses. The paladins were killed and the blood clan was destroyed by master Ling. Country y was very shocked and resented master Ling even more. Such a terrorist task would be easy to be a time bomb if you stayed in country y. it was terrible.

As the center of the European continent, country y has always been very strong. He has never been suppressed. Even country m, the overlord, dare not easily provoke him. But now, he has been trampled by master Ling alone, which is a shame that country y has never had.

"Country y has suffered a great loss. Now I don't know how to deal with Lingshi. Unless the twelve countries on the European continent send a strong group, and then form a force and subordinate various organs and traps, they can kill master Ling. Otherwise, they will be destroyed by master Ling."

"It's not that simple. The army may not be able to kill master Ling. You underestimate master Ling. The European continent is in trouble this time, but if they continue, master Ling Feng may not win, but may lose."

"It makes sense, and the Holy See still exists in state y. The Holy See will certainly not look at master Ling's arrogance. Moreover, master Ling killed the saint before. It's time to spell out the details this time."

Many people talk about it one after another, and there are all kinds of voices. They compare Ling Feng to a devil. Seeing the current Boulder, master Ling seems to deceive himself and others against the strong people in the whole European continent. This time it depends on who is the final winner.

"According to my analysis, master Ling is afraid to be dangerous this time. Not to mention the European Union and the Holy See, there are still many forces waiting secretly. After waiting, they will kill master Ling. Once they act, even if master Ling is strong, it is impossible for him to win other strong people alone."

"And there are the national treasures of M and E. they are also eyeing master Ling. They are both overlord countries. Maybe they will take some measures against master Ling."

"According to the current situation, master Ling has the upper hand on the surface. He has killed several strong people on the European continent, even the blood emperor has been killed, the whole blood clan has been destroyed, and the paladin has also been killed. It seems that no one dares to provoke him, but secretly, master Ling will face countless strong people."

"Master Ling is dead this time. Europe must be his grave."

At this time, many representatives from the headquarters of the continental European Union came to participate in how to deal with master Ling. They had a headache. They softened master Ling, admitted their mistakes, and then apologized. This is impossible. The twelve countries in the continental European Union are the most powerful alliance. If they admit defeat and apologize to one person, it is impossible. They still have to face, and even if they don't want anything, Country y will never agree

Is it difficult to use prohibited missiles? However, before the time of last resort, they can not use this prohibited missile, but their land is the biggest loss. So the delegates have a headache. They don't know how to deal with master Ling.

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