"It can't be true. It can't be true. I don't believe how King Arthur lost to master Ling and died."

"King Arthur has guarded country y for countless years and has never lost. He will not lose."

Everyone didn't believe that King Arthur was dead. They didn't want to believe it. After all, King Arthur was the God of war in their hearts. How could he die in the hands of a mortal.

"How could this happen? King Arthur is a God. How could he be killed by master Ling."

A nobleman of country y trembled and said that up to now he was unwilling to believe the fact that King Arthur died.

"My God, master Ling killed King Arthur. It's terrible. Even King Arthur is not his opponent. Who can resist master Ling." a representative of the European continent said that he looked unbelievable. Next, master Ling will target country y and the whole continent. What can they do to fight master Ling. "

"It's an unimaginable result. I didn't expect master Ling to be so strong. It's really a devil." many strong people were also very shocked and said that they were shocked by master Ling's strength. Everyone thought that King Arthur would kill master Ling with the sword in the stone, but the final result was contrary to their imagination.

All the nobles of country y lowered their heads. They felt desperate and couldn't believe the fact. They all stood in place and their eyes were red. At this time, the queen of country y noticed something and smiled on her sad face.

She understood that King Arthur had a locked scabbard of sword in stone and powerful spirit tools in it. Even if he died, he could be restored.

At this time, King Arthur, who was already dead, burst out a powerful light in his body and caged King Arthur in it. A few seconds later, King Arthur completely recovered and stood up directly.

Not only did he recover from all the injuries, but his body was full of vitality, and his momentum was more powerful. Looking at Ling Feng in the air coldly, King Arthur came back from death, which was an accident for everyone, and the nobles of country y danced.

"I didn't expect that King Arthur could come back from the dead. Master Ling is dead this time."

"The time for master Ling's death has come. I can feel that King Arthur has become more powerful. He must be able to kill master Ling."

There was such a sound of discussion all around. At this time, the whole air was filled with such powerful pressure. If ordinary people stood here, I'm afraid the whole body would be terrified and extinguished.

"I didn't think you could come back from the dead." Ling Feng said faintly. He was a little surprised to see King Arthur coming back from the dead in front of him.

"I see. It should be the scabbard in your body."

At the moment of King Arthur's resurrection, Lingfeng wine felt the lock scabbard hidden in King Arthur's body and healed King Arthur with powerful aura.

"Yes, this is the lock scabbard of my sword in stone, also known as the lock sword stone." King Arthur nodded and said that the sword in stone represents killing, and the lock scabbard is to seal the killing force, so there is such a powerful spirit tool in the scabbard.

"I see. This scabbard is the real spirit weapon. I didn't expect you to have this treasure. Ha ha, it's a little interesting." Ling Feng is very interested in locking the scabbard. The scabbard has generated spirit consciousness, so he can independently heal King Arthur's injury. On earth, spiritual weapons are rare. Even in the fairy world, they should be cultivated slowly. However, the lock scabbard in front of Ling Feng is just a defective product, with many defects and not very strong aura. Ling Feng saw the weakness of lock scabbard at a glance.

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