Everyone was shocked. They couldn't believe what they saw. The hall leaders in the conference room kept shaking their heads. In their world view, this was just a fantasy.

"What's going on? What did I see? I bought it."

"What's going on, laser guns? What happened to more than 100 laser guns? How could they suddenly disappear?"

"This must be false. We must have won master Ling's magic. I don't believe it's true. How can our birds and jellyfish be useless to master Ling."

"This must be a cover up used by master Ling. Let's attack again. I see what master Ling can do." a hall leader said fiercely.

Geely nodded when he heard this sentence. He didn't believe that master Ling could directly make more than 100 laser guns disappear. All this seems to be false and not true at all. He would rather believe that master Ling was bombed by a laser gun than that the laser gun would disappear. This is a myth.

"Continue to attack me. I don't believe he won't die. Aim at master Ling and attack again."

Geely said coldly. Then, over the whole sea area, all birds and giant jellyfish attacked again, which was more violent than the last time.

But they forgot that master Ling is also human. Ling Feng won't stand there motionless and let the laser gun attack. He wants the other party to launch the laser gun and directly turn it into scrap metal. Just now, Ling Feng swallowed more than 100 laser cannons with the power of the field, just to see how powerful this newly understood field is. This is the swallowing field. Ling Feng can only exert a trace of his strength now. Only when he is in Yuanying period can he really exert his strength in the field, which is the power of cultivating immortals.

Then, Ling Feng's field was quickly combined with Ling Feng to form a armor. Ling Feng was shining all over, just like the nine day God of war coming to earth.

Ling Feng looked at the birds in front and the giant jellyfish in the sea, showing a cold smile. He moved his mind and saw a 100 meter long sword in his hand. At this time, Ling Feng's figure also disappeared and rushed to the birds in an instant.

Before they could attack, Ling Feng had already shot. The golden sword immediately cut towards the birds, and a devastating sword burst out.


The violent explosion sounded. Suddenly, several birds were cut off like thin paper, turned into scrap metal and fell from the air.

Ling Feng's sword Qi is not something that these birds can resist.

"I wipe, what's going on? The five birds are gone?"

Seeing this scene, all the hall leaders were shocked, and they said in surprise.

"These losers won't take it when they see Master Ling coming. Let them distance themselves from master Ling."

Geely was very angry and said that the bird was the most advanced bird in Europe, and lost five in an instant, which made Geely very sad. As long as we can kill master Ling, it's worth it.

But what Geely and all the hall leaders didn't expect was that the nightmare had just begun. At this time, over the sea, Ling Feng waved his huge sword again, and the space imprisonment was launched at the same time. This word Ling Feng wanted to destroy all the birds together. The remaining birds couldn't escape at all. He watched Ling Feng sweep over with a sword.

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