Jiang yu'er and Jianling looked calm. They had expected this result for a long time. There was nothing to be shocked. However, the whole base, all the senior managers were pale and trembling. They saw the scene very clearly. From Ling Feng's hand to the end, it had not been more than two minutes, but the fighter group and the giant warship group had been cut into two sections by master Ling, Sank to the bottom of the sea. Master Ling is too powerful.

"It's too shocking. Master Ling is so powerful that he directly sank our fighters and warships. It's terrible."

"What are we going to do next? We lost miserably this round. Are we going to surrender again?"

Many senior executives said that their expressions were extremely complex. Originally, they thought they had a chance to win, but they didn't expect to be beaten in the face in an instant. All planes and warships were sunk by master Ling.

"Leader, what should we do now? Can we continue to stop master Ling?" a senior said to Geely. Just after this sentence fell, all people looked at Geely one after another. Now Geely's heart is also very flustered. He just pretended to be calm.

Even he didn't expect that master Ling's strength was so terrible that he immediately destroyed the vanguard troops he sent out. This is not just a failure, but a disgrace.

"We can't admit defeat. We must continue to block master Ling and send a more powerful presence." Geely said gloomily. He won't admit defeat and can't admit defeat.

"Now connect me with all the nobles, and I'll discuss the use of super weapons with them." Geely said loudly. Soon the big screen was connected to the conference hall. All the nobles had seen the heavy losses of the military, and they underestimated master Ling. They thought they could kill master Ling as long as they saw the military go out, but the reality was very cruel, Their losses were extremely heavy.

"Leader Geely, do we still have a way? What weapons can deal with master Ling." an aristocrat said in a frightened voice.

"This is what I'm going to discuss with you. I'm going to use the power of the Warring States period." Geely said gloomily.

"Is it too hasty to use the Warring States period? Is it worth it for a master Ling?"

"Now that we have reached this point, what can we do without the Warring States period? I agree with you."

Many nobles argued that some of them agreed and some disagreed. After all, it is not a small thing to send out the "Warring States period".

"We don't have time to discuss now. We have to make a decision soon. Master Ling has come to us. Once he comes to our base, we will be finished." Geely doesn't want to talk nonsense to these nobles at all. Geely directly said that Geely has decided in his heart anyway. Regardless of whether they agree or not, he must let master Ling die in country y.

"OK, don't discuss it. I agree with you on this matter. We must kill master Ling. Please give it to you, Geely." at the meeting, an old man with extraordinary temperament spoke. He was the only Baron in Y country.

"OK, I'll implement it." Geely nodded, smiled, then interrupted the call and began to issue an order: "send out the" Warring States period ", and be sure to kill master Ling on the sea, so that master Ling will fear the strength of our country y until he dies."

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