However, for Ling Feng, he didn't guard against it at all. The spiritual power of the soul is just refining his Yuanying, which makes him a step closer to Yuanying. Although Ling Feng hasn't reached the strength of Yuanying, his strength can kill the strong of ordinary Yuanying. This is Ling Feng's strength.

"Congratulations on master Ling's victory and sweeping away the escort of God." Simon hurried out and said.

But Ling Feng shook his head and said faintly, "they are just mole ants."

"The divine escort is not master Ling's opponent at all. It's too weak. It's rubbish and a waste of your time." Simon said quickly. At this time, it's best to keep close to master Ling and flatter at any time.

"Where is the nest of the divine guard?" Ling Feng asked faintly.

"It's said that this is the dragon vein mountain in Europe. It's difficult to defeat master Ling. Do you want to go to the mountain?"

"That's right." Ling Feng nodded and said. As they had said before, they were just members of a team. Naturally, Ling Feng would not be satisfied. He only absorbed the spirit tools of a school team. His idea now is to absorb the whole God's guard group. So many supplements are tailor-made for him. Of course, he wants to devour them. Otherwise, it's not a natural thing and it's unreasonable.

Ling Feng's Yuanying naturally needs a lot of spiritual strength to refine. Now is the best opportunity. Ling Feng has thought about it. He wants to commit suicide, go to the holy mountain, look for the divine guard and devour them.

"Master Ling, as far as I know, the sacred mountain is very mysterious. It is said that there are real gods. We are not their opponents at all. One more thing, no one has ever been able to enter the depths of the sacred mountain. It is said that there are no electronic devices, many planes have had accidents there, and they are also called the sea of death." Simon hurriedly said, They are very awed by the people of the whole European continent, and countless people go there every year.

"It's all right, I'm measured." Ling Feng said faintly. He naturally knows that Shenshan is the dragon vein of the whole European continent. Naturally, it's very mysterious. It's said that where western gods live, but what can this do? Nothing can resist master Ling's footsteps.

There is no place on the whole earth that Ling Feng can't reach.

Simon also knew what he couldn't say when he heard Ling Feng's words, but he guessed that master Ling's going to Shenshan this time would certainly cause a big storm. Then, Ling Feng returned to his room. He planned to directly absorb the spiritual power of the soul for half a day, and then rushed to Shenshan to absorb the whole divine guard group and become his aura.

Soon, the story of the first team of master Ling's one second killing guard was spread, which caused a sensation in the whole world and shocked the whole European continent. No matter who could not believe it, at the beginning, everyone thought that if master Ling was shot by the divine guard, he would be able to kill master Ling, and there was Ryan, the strongest soldier. But as a result, they were all destroyed by master Ling, even in smoke. It's shocking.

"It's too terrible. Master Ling's strength is too strong. Even the divine escort is not his opponent?"

"Is master Ling the God of war? He has never lost once. In this way, no one in the whole European continent is master Ling's opponent. It's invincible."

Many European nobles talked about it one after another. They were frightened by master Ling's strength.

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