The members of the God's guard group not far away were all stupid. Master Ling was no longer a human, but a devil. He swallowed Triton directly.

"What shall we do next? Run for our lives?"

"We are not the opponent of master Ling. Hurry to the innermost part and ask the goddess of war for help. Only she can defeat master Ling and avenge the head."

The rest of the group members argued that they were ready to escape. After all, even Terry was dead. If they stayed here, they would be killed by master Ling.

"Want to run? You can't run today. Just like your God, become my tonic." Ling Feng laughed, instantly launched the swallowing field, swallowed them all again, and became Reiki into Ling Feng's body.

"It's so comfortable."

Ling Feng nodded and said that he swallowed Triton and others, and felt that his Yuanying could be stronger. If he swallowed all the so-called gods of the European continent, he would directly enter the Yuanying period. Ling Feng was very happy to think of this. This Triton was just the beginning.

Then Ling Feng, Jiang Yuer and Jianling walked towards the so-called palace. Jiang yu'er suddenly said, "young master, I feel there should be someone in here."

"Yes, and his breath is much stronger than that of Li Tong." Jianling also said.

"HMM." Ling Feng nodded. He felt that there was a stronger breath in the depths of the holy mountain very early. When she swallowed Triton with the swallowing field just now, the breath suddenly appeared, and the breath was much stronger than that in the same place. For Ling Feng, it was a more powerful tonic. Ling Feng didn't care at all.

Ling Feng went to Triton's hall and sat directly in Triton's position. Jiang Yuer and Jianling stood on both sides of him. Ling Feng suddenly said, "OK, come out. You can't hide in front of me."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, a figure came out and looked very old. He had white hair and was as thin as a wood. If the child saw it, he might have a lifelong nightmare. The old man saw Ling Feng and quickly knelt down. Ling Feng was a little confused. The old man was much better than Li. Why did he kneel down suddenly for himself. So he asked, "why do you kneel?"

"I've been waiting for many years today. Finally someone came here, killed Triton and liberated me." the old man suddenly said in a low voice.


Hearing the old man's words, Ling Feng was stunned, and then looked at the old man kneeling in front of him. The old man was wearing ancient Chinese clothes. It's hard to say that the old man was Chinese, but why was he here, or did he appear after Terry died? What's the matter?

The old man smiled, but his smile was very terrible. He said, "dear, are you curious about my identity? I can tell you."

"You say it." Ling Feng said faintly.

"I have been here for hundreds of years and have been sleeping deeply. I can wake up for an hour every few decades. This time, I wake up because you killed Triton, the venerable one, and the spell on me has been lifted." the old man said.

"But how could you be here? In your time, it was very difficult to come to the holy mountain of the European continent from China." Ling Feng asked.

Ling Feng's heart was very confused. From the old man's words, Ling Feng knew that this matter must be not simple. He felt that there were many secrets hidden in this sacred mountain, and these secrets were probably related to Xianlu. Otherwise, the old man would not come here and was cursed.

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