"These mole ants are really arrogant. They have only such a little strength. They dare to call them God, which is the courage for them." Ling Feng said with great disdain. The ghost servant next to him was very shocked. He didn't expect that Ling Feng's strength was so strong. The ghost servant could see that the strength of this card was much stronger than that of Li, but it was easily killed by Ling Feng.

That also shows a problem. Ling Feng is much stronger than Carmo. He didn't follow the wrong person. The young master robbed too much than himself.

The ghost servant thought of this with a smile on his face.

"Just now this man said he was the captain of the knight team of the war goddess. It seems that the war goddess is the person guarding here." Ling Feng said faintly. He naturally knows the war goddess. In Western mythology, the war goddess Yana is the first goddess with strong strength and frightening wisdom. But Ling Feng didn't expect that the person guarding here would be Yanna, the goddess of war.

"Yes, young master, as far as I know, everyone here is under the war goddess Yana. He leads people to suppress here." the ghost servant said quickly.

"The goddess of war is also known as the goddess of wisdom. Unexpectedly, her name is not small, but she doesn't know her strength." Ling Feng laughed. He didn't pay attention to Yana. For Ling Feng, Yana is his best tonic.

Then Ling Feng and others continued to move forward. They had not taken a few steps. Another person flew out of the front hall. This time, a woman with a scepter. The woman's appearance was very beautiful and fascinated all men. Her strength was more powerful than Carmo, and even her authority was more powerful.

"The goddess of war, the sacrificial goddess Alice, in front of you, you have killed Triton and Camille. The goddess of war is angry. If you hold your hands and go back with us, you can ensure that you will not die." lailis said coldly, with strong pride in her voice.

"Here comes another mole ant. Let your war goddess kneel in front of me, or I will kill him." Ling Feng said faintly.

"Boy, you are so rude that you want to die." Alice was very angry. He kept waving his magic wand, and suddenly the whole space began to compress. Several energy balls were constantly formed on their heads, full of fear and pressure, and rushed directly to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's performance was very calm. When he saw the energy ball coming, he couldn't help laughing and instantly launched the phagocytosis field. The phagocytosis field directly absorbed the energy ball with a strong momentum?.

"What's going on?"

Alice was very shocked. He didn't expect that the other party would directly absorb his attack with a force in the field. He waved his Scepter again, and a long arrow composed of several energy rushed past. The whole space was very quiet. The long arrow rushed to Ling Feng with terrible pressure.

Alice's attack can stop time. It's very powerful, but his opponent is Ling Feng. His law of time is just pediatrics in front of Ling Feng. Ling Feng slapped him directly, and a huge palm rushed to the long arrow.


The violent explosion sounded, the shock wave swept all over the place, and Alice's long arrow had been blasted by the giant palm and disappeared, and the surroundings were calm.


A big mouthful of blood vomited from Alice's mouth. His face was pale, and those long arrows were changed by his divine power. They were blasted by Ling Feng. He was seriously injured.

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