"Qing Yue, you first help Ling Xiaoyou arrange a place to live. Yuxuan, you come with me as a teacher." Xiao Ming said to Qing Yue and Wang Yuxuan.

Qingyue quickly nodded and said, "yes, master."

After that, Qingyue took Ling Feng to a small courtyard, which is very remote. It can be seen that no one has come. It has been fertilized for a long time. The courtyard is full of weeds. Qingyue said, "Ling Feng, the courtyard assigned by zongmen to my master is not hidden. Now there is only no one here. What do you think?"

Although Xiao Ming is also an elder, his seniority and strength are the smallest, so his resources are limited and can't compare with other elders at all.

"No problem, very good."

Ling Feng nodded and said that he naturally knew that in this door, if you want more good resources, you have to become a strong person, and everything has to rely on your strength to speak. So Ling Feng can also see that Xiao Ming, the master of Qingyue, is not very high in the purple flame extreme fire gate.

"Ling Feng, let me help you tidy it up. No one has lived here for many years. There are too many dust and weeds." after Qing Yue finished, she helped Ling Feng start to tidy it up. Now she has an admiration for Ling Feng in her heart, because Ling Feng's elegant demeanor and terrible strength make her feel very good in her heart.

Ling Feng looked at Qing Yue and smiled helplessly. Then he cleaned up the room with Qing Yue. They chatted while cleaning up. After a meeting, Ling Feng asked, "Qing Yue, I just heard your master say that the external disciples were assessed? What's going on."

"The only way for our disciples of Ziyan extreme fire outside the gate to become disciples of the inner gate is to assess the disciples of the outer gate. Every five years, the ten strongest disciples can enter the inner gate, which is also the goal of all the disciples of the outer gate." Qingyue said.

Ling Feng nodded. He probably understood what he meant. Qing Yue said again: "the inner disciples not only have more and stronger mental skills and martial arts to practice, but also the first in the examination can become the leader's disciple. Therefore, Shifu let the eldest martial brother go. He is the most valued disciple of Shifu. This time, he will be able to enter the inner gate."

There are twenty elders in the inner and outer gates of Ziyan extreme fire gate, and Xiao Ming is just an outer gate elder. Hundreds of disciples participate in each assessment, but only the top ten can enter the inner gate and get better resources.

"It seems that only by becoming strong can we get more and better resources." Ling Feng said faintly. No matter what sect, small sect or big sect, they always welcome the strong, and resources will naturally give preference to the strong.

"Ling Feng, you're right. Why don't you join us? With your strength, you can certainly get the top ten in the assessment of external disciples." Qing Yue looked at Ling Feng and said that she hoped that Ling Feng could join the purple flame extreme fire gate, so that she could be with Ling Feng every day.

"No, I'll leave in a few days, and I like a person. I'm free and good." Ling Feng refused. He was not interested in joining Ziyan extreme fire gate. He came to Kunlun secret place just to unlock Tang Xin's life experience.

"All right."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Qing Yue didn't say much. After more than an hour, the whole courtyard was cleaned. Qing Yue and Ling Feng sat on the ground to rest. After a while, Qing Yue said, "Ling Feng, I'll go first. Come to me if you have anything."

"Well, OK."

Ling Feng nodded.

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