Ling Feng sent out his momentum. With a big hand, the chaotic aura in his body burst out instantly. The whole space was compressed by Ling Feng's momentum. At this moment, it seemed that even time stopped.

"What's going on?"

All the strong felt very shocked. They felt that the space was abnormal. They didn't adapt at all. Even time slowed down, and their speed slowed down, which was beyond their control. A smell of death filled their hearts.

Ling Feng just smiled faintly and said, "cut."

Then suddenly, dozens of green spirit swords appeared and rushed directly at them, fast as lightning and heavy shadow. It's impossible to resist.


As the sound continued to ring, all the strong men of the divine rank had fallen to the ground. They were pierced by the green spirit sword. Their blood flowed and they were dying. With a wave of Ling Feng's big hand, chaos and black inflammation appeared in an instant, directly burning them into fly ash, leaving nothing left.

Even if their accomplishments are strong, they can't resist the time law controlled by Ling Feng. Ling Feng's expression is calm, as if nothing had happened just now. He kills the strong of the divine level second, uses the magic power understood by Yuan Ying, compresses the whole space, uses the law of time to trap his opponent and directly bombard him.

Of course, this move consumes a lot of chaotic aura. Ling Feng has just entered the infancy period. He uses this talent and magic power to kill more than 20 strong people of divine rank. He is also a little overwhelmed.

Ling Feng thought to himself, "it seems that this magical power is too powerful and the consumption of aura is terrible. In the future, he still uses less tail numbers. At least he has to be stable and cultivate accomplishments before he dares to use them."

This scene just happened shocked everyone in the audience. They couldn't believe what they saw, and they were very afraid. Just now, more than 20 strong men of divine rank came out of the elder area, all of them are the top existence in the Kunlun secret territory, but they were all killed by a strong man of the purple flame extreme fire gate. Or second kill, which makes them how to believe.

"I... is what I just saw true? More than 20 strong gods were killed by one person, and even the bodies were destroyed? Is this true?"

"The young man is too strong to imagine."

All the audience talked about it one after another. Their faces were shocked. What kind of existence is divine cultivation? It is the peak of martial arts and the top existence. There are less than 50 Kunlun secret places, but this time the young people in front of them killed more than 20 seconds. The super sect competition is useless.

From the first super sect competition to now, this situation has never happened today. Now the leader of Qinglong City, Qiancheng, died in the sea battle, and then all the strong gods in the elders area were killed. All the major gates present have been stupid. They can't believe the result.

"This young man is too strong. It's really frightening. Is he really the man of purple flame extreme fire? It's terrible."

"When did Ziyan extreme fire cultivate such a terrible young strong man? It's shocking that he killed more than 20 strong men of divine rank alone."

These powerful people have guessed Ling Feng's identity, and Ling Feng's strength has refreshed his world view. He can kill more than 20 strong people of divine rank, and his expression is so calm. This shows courage and courage. There is no second person in the whole Kunlun secret territory.

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