Wang Chao was very unhappy with Ling Feng, especially after hearing Ling Dongmei's boyfriend, but Wang Chao was very good at modification and didn't show his inner unhappiness.

Ling Feng just nodded and didn't speak. He just reached out and shook hands with Wang Chao. If Wang Chao wasn't Ling Dongmei's classmate, Ling Feng wouldn't pay attention to him.

When Wang Chao saw Ling Feng, he didn't say a word and didn't care too much. Instead, he looked at Ling Dongmei again and said, "Dongmei, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Although we have changed a lot in the past ten years, our original intention hasn't changed. We still love the piano."

"Yes, many things can be changed, but I won't change this idea unless I like the piano." Ling Dongmei sighed with a trace of helplessness.

Just as the two were talking, effice's music concert had begun. Effice was in his fifties and dressed in a black evening dress with a sense of arrogance. As soon as he stepped onto the stage, cheers suddenly rang out below.

Eiffes is a real international piano master. Although he didn't play, there was warm applause around. Eiffes waved and the applause stopped instantly. He sat next to the piano and began to play Beethoven's first symphony.

The sound of the piano just remembered that it was very elegant. All the audience were intoxicated with the sound of the piano and felt an artistic conception with the performance of effis. Ling Dongmei listened carefully, while Wang Chao watched Ling Dongmei all the time. Ling Feng was not interested in these performances, but he admired these musicians in his heart. It was not easy to infect so many audiences with his own music.

But Ling Feng found that Wang Chao didn't listen to the performance at all, but kept looking at Ling Dongmei. Soon, the first symphony was finished.

After a while, the audience came back to reality from the artistic conception of music. In an instant, the applause rang out continuously. Ling Dongmei kept clapping and said with a smile: "effis is worthy of being a master. He played very well."

"Yes, the teacher's performance is perfect. I guess I can't surpass the teacher in my life." Wang Chao said with a smile.

Ling Dongmei was very surprised when she heard Wang Chao's words. Effice had a disciple in her life and had never appeared on TV, but everyone knew that there was such a mysterious disciple, but she didn't know who it was, so Wang Chao's words surprised Ling Dongmei. He looked at Wang Chao and asked, "can you be the legendary disciple of effice?"

"Yes, after graduating from University, I have become a disciple of effis." Wang Chao nodded.

"I didn't expect that you should be the disciple of effice. It's really good." Ling Dongmei was very shocked and surprised in her eyes.

"This time, the teacher specially asked me to play a song here. Dongmei, I know you like the piano, so I now officially invite you as a disciple of effis. How about playing a song with me later?"

Wang Chao was very sincere. Ling Dongmei was stunned. He didn't expect that Wang Chao would say so, so for a moment, Ling Dongmei didn't know what to say. Wang Chao's words and actions were very gentleman. Maybe other women would agree immediately.

But now, Ling Dongmei didn't speak, and Wang Chao was quietly waiting for Ling Dongmei's answer. At this time, the people in the VIP room naturally heard Wang Chao's words, and they all looked at Wang Chao in shock.

"I didn't expect that master effis's disciple was him. He looked very elegant."

"I envy that Oriental beauty so much that she will be invited by the disciples of effice. What a good opportunity it is. She will promise."

"Promise him, promise him..."

The rich children present said one after another, but Ling Dongmei's answer was: "sorry, Wang Chao, I can't promise you this."

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