"Feng Qi, what do you want? Aren't you afraid of master Ling coming?" Jiang Tianyi was caught, looked at Feng Qi pale and shouted.

"Hahaha, master Ling, I'm really not afraid. Master Ling has been spread so deeply by you, and even many alliances in the world are afraid of him. But he is just a man in the secular world. There are too many people better than him in our martial arts secret territory. I'm really not afraid of him. When he comes, I'll show you how he died in front of you. Hahaha "Feng Qi laughed disdainfully.

Hearing Feng Qi's words, Jiang Tianyi didn't say anything more. He was waiting for Ling Feng to come. He knew that he would be arrested. The Jiang family would go to find master Ling, and master Ling's character would not sit idly by. When master Ling came, Wang Qi would die.

"You're such a cow. Why didn't I see it."

At this time, a cold and disdainful voice came from the entrance of the stairs. Before the person appeared, Jiang Tianyi had heard that it was Ling Feng's voice. He shouted, "master Ling, be careful they are in ambush."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Feng Qi turned to look at the stairs, but he saw that it was indeed a young man of about 20 who came up calmly. Seeing here, Feng Qi frowned. He arranged at least more than 30 martial arts experts in the whole Lingyue square. How could they let this young man in.

Can it be said that the young man has solved them? It's impossible. Even if he is powerful, once he starts, he will be able to hear his voice, but he didn't hear anything just now. What's going on.

"It's all right. I've solved the mole ants outside him." Ling Feng said with a smile when he heard Jiang Tianyi's words.

"Boy, are you the so-called master Ling?" Feng Qi looked at Ling Feng and frowned. He looked at that what stood in front of him was just a 20-year-old young man, but he was taught a lesson by a young man just now, which made him very angry.

Ling Feng didn't pay attention to him, but went to Jiang Tianyi, directly untied Jiang Tianyi's rope, and took out a pill to Jiang Tianyi. Seeing that Ling Feng ignored himself, Feng Qi was very angry and punched Ling Feng directly in the chest, fast. But Ling Feng didn't care, but stood still.

Feng Qi thought his fist speed was too fast, and Ling Feng couldn't react at all. He seemed to have seen the picture of Ling Feng being thrown out by himself, but when his fist was about to hit Ling Feng in the chest.


A voice of broken bones sounded. Feng Qi's eyes showed fear and severe pain in his hand. He found that his hand had been caught by Ling Feng, and Ling Feng's hand was like steel, crushing his fist directly.

"Ah." Feng Qi shouted in pain, his fingers connected to his heart, not to mention that the bones of the whole palm were broken. Feng Qi felt the pain of drilling his heart, but at this time, Ling Feng smiled and said, "you're finished? It's my turn now."

Then Lingfeng grabs Fengqi directly. Fengqi hasn't reacted yet. Ling Feng grabbed his neck and picked it up directly.

"I thought you were so good that you were vulnerable. Like a dead dog, don't you want me to die? Come on, let me see what you can do." Ling Feng said with a disdain on his face.

Feng Qi was picked up by Ling Feng and kept struggling. He didn't expect that he, a Martial emperor, would be directly grabbed by master Ling. No matter how hard he struggled, Feng Qi's face turned red. He immediately remembered the rumor that master Ling was the most terrible martial artist in China. No one knew what his cultivation was? I only know that no matter what kind of person meets him, he will die.

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