Originally, the Li family didn't dare to provoke master Ling, so their idea was to pay a high price for some strong martial arts to protect them. However, a mysterious person appeared out of thin air, which not only helped the Li family catch up with the first-class fire thunder sect in the martial arts secret territory, but also provided them with a large amount of funds and Ling Dongmei's recent activity route. The mysterious man has only one requirement, that is, master Ling must die.

The fire thunder sect stands behind the Li family. Naturally, they don't worry about the abilities of the Jiang family or even master Ling. This time, all the elders of the fire thunder sect are dispatched, with terrible strength, and can deal with master Ling and the Jiang family.

At the beginning, Mr. Li was also very worried that all the experts of the Jiang family would come, and there would be at least a fierce battle. But who knows that only Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang Tianyi came with master Ling. In that case, as long as they destroy Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang Tianyi, the strength of the Jiang family in the martial arts world would drop to the limit, which is not enough.

"It seems that there are many experts behind you, even whimsically think you can do the right thing with the Jiang family?" old Jiang disdained. They have been in Haicheng for so many years and have never paid attention to any rich family, but now a small Li family unexpectedly wants Tiankai to kill themselves, so old Jiang will not be polite.

"I don't believe so many of us can't beat the three of them when we go up." a martial artist said loudly. Then a group of martial artists rushed towards Jiang Lao and Jiang Tianyi. Most of their strength are martial masters, and Jiang Lao didn't pay attention to them.

"Hahaha, if it was before, maybe I would care about you, but now, I'll let you see how terrible the Wudao emperor is?" old Jiang laughed and said. With the continuous support of Lingfeng pill, old Jiang has successfully broken through to the Wudao emperor, and he also wants to test his strength.

After that, a red blood knife appeared in old Jiang's hand. He immediately flashed forward and rushed forward. The sword gas and knife gas rushed at old Jiang. Old Jiang kept waving his knife to resist. Li Wenping roared very arrogantly when he saw this scene: "Hahaha, I thought your Jiang family was nothing special. It turned out that's all. Even if you're strong, you're just one person. A good tiger can't hold a pack of wolves. You can't beat so many of us. Brothers, go ahead and kill them for me."

Hearing Li Wenping's words, several martial artists rushed towards Ling Feng. Jiang Tianyi saw the scene, took a white sword and rushed out directly with sword Qi. The powerful sword Qi cut directly at the martial artists who rushed over.


With a loud noise, several martial artists flew out upside down, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of their mouth. They were pale and seriously injured. Seeing this scene, old Li frowned and said, "I didn't expect that even Jiang Tianyi's strength was so strong."

"Old Jiang, uncle Jiang, these minions will be given to you." Ling Feng said coldly. Then Ling Feng walked forward and watched Ling Feng walk towards Li Wenping. Several martial artists rushed towards him in an instant. Ling Feng waved his big hand and cut out with a sword.


The light flashed. Several martial artists who rushed up were cut into two sections and directly killed by the second. Seeing this scene, Li Wenping couldn't believe his eyes. These were martial masters and were directly killed by master Ling.


Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Lao, many martial artists kept screaming. Jiang Lao and Jiang Tianyi had strong combat power and directly killed several martial arts masters. Some martial artists behind were frightened by their strong strength and didn't dare to move forward at all.

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