"Master Ling, do you mean to give me 500 million to find herbs?" Zou Yuehua was stunned and asked incredulously.

"Yes, you should establish a reward system. As long as you find herbs with more than 100 years and some special herbs I need, you can deduct the money from the reward system. You don't have to worry. If 500 million is not enough, I can give you one billion. In short, the more herbs, the better. But except for special herbs, all I want are herbs with more than 100 years, okay?" Ling Feng said faintly,

Zou family is worthy of being a family of traditional Chinese medicine. They have natural sensitivity to herbal medicine, which is much better than Jiang family. Professional people do professional things. When looking for herbs, they must do it by the Zou family.

"Master Ling, don't worry. Our Zou family will try to help you find herbs. If the money is not enough, I will find you." hearing Ling Feng's words, Zou Yuehua said quickly. He also knows that the herbs Ling Feng is looking for are very precious, and this $500 million is nothing at all.

"Well, you arrange for them to send the ghost cutting spirit grass as soon as possible. I'll wait in Longyu villa. People must not touch the leaves of the ghost cutting spirit grass, otherwise even the great Luo immortal can't save it." Ling Feng said again.

Hearing about the Longyu villa, Zou Yuehua was stunned. Zou Yuehua wanted to buy the Longyu villa directly from the Mai family, but was directly rejected by the Mai family. He said that the Longyu villa was not sold at all. Unexpectedly, it was reserved for master Ling.

"Don't worry, master Ling. We have a small special plane at Mai's house. We have just arranged for someone to transport it directly. We can get to Haicheng in more than an hour." Zou Yuehua said quickly.

As a family of traditional Chinese medicine, the Zou family has pharmacists who go to the mountains to collect medicine every day. In order to ensure the properties of some high-quality herbs, they often use special planes to transport them. Of course, they are only special herbs. It's usually transported by car.

"OK, don't worry, I'll arrange someone to transfer the money to you." after Ling Feng hung up, he called Ling Dongmei and asked him to transfer 500 million to Zou Yuehua's account.

After about an hour and a half, a small helicopter stopped on the apron of Longyu villa. Zou Yuehua arranged for the whole piece of ghost cutting grass to be removed from the plane. When Zou Yuehua and others came to the villa garden, they were shocked.

"This is incredible." when Zou Yuehua first entered Longyu villa, he found that it was fundamentally different from the outside world. Even the air was very attracted, as if it made the whole person a lot easier. If he often lived in such an environment, it would not be a problem to live to 140 years old.

As a herbalist, Zou Yuehua naturally knows that this environment is of great help to the growth of Chinese herbal medicine. When they collected Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, the growth environment there was not as good as Longyu villa.

"Where is the ghost cutting spirit grass?"

At this time, Zou Yuehua felt a flower in front of him. Ling Feng had appeared in front of him, and then asked. Zou Yuehua quickly pointed to the group of people who were transplanting ghost cutting grass, and then said, "I have moved all of them."

Ling Feng walked towards the ghost cutting grass. When he saw these ghost cutting grass, Ling Feng looked happy. It seems that the ghost cutting grass has been preserved completely for more than 1000 years, and there are more than 150 plants. It may be that the medicine collector doesn't know it at all, so it is regarded as an ordinary grass. In addition, no one knows how to pick ghost cutting grass and the toxicity of ghost cutting grass, so ghost cutting grass can be preserved so well.

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