
When he saw Ling Feng and others in front of him, the second elder couldn't help but roar up to the sky, and there was a fierce animal roar around him. When the roar sounded, all the forces behind covered their ears. Many people with low cultivation fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.

In the roar, there were some voices of the king of beasts such as tigers and lions. Their roars were shaking and frightening. In an instant, a large group of beasts also appeared in the eyes of everyone., Looking at this situation, as long as the two elders cheer up, I'm afraid the beasts will rush up and tear Ling Feng and others to pieces.

"Is that man Xianjun?"

The Dragon Valley elder hiding in the dark saw Xianjun drinking with Taiyi and others. He was surprised. His face was excited and his body trembled. He didn't expect to see Xianjun here.

"Xian Jun, Xian Jun, is it really you?"

In the surprised eyes of all the disciples of the Dragon Valley, the elder of the Dragon Valley dodged and directly came to Xianjun. Ignoring the presence of the second elder of the Royal beast hall, he knelt down excitedly, and then said to Xianjun, "Xianjun, the 15th generation of three sect elders of the Dragon Valley worship Xianjun."

"It's your boy, hahaha, I haven't seen him for years. How's long Zun?"

Seeing the three elders of Dragon Valley, Xianjun smiled and said, but he directly ignored the Royal beast hall that had surrounded them. Instead, he could smile and chat with the three elders of Dragon Valley.

"The valley leader is all right. He just wants to be immortal. He often nags. If he hadn't been suppressed by the rules, he would have joined the world to visit you." the third elder of Longgu said quickly.

"Taiyi, the 17th generation disciple of Dragon Valley, paid a visit to the three elders." Taiyi hurriedly knelt down and saluted the three elders.

"Hahaha, Taiyi, get up." the third elder of Longgu was very happy. He said with a smile. At this time, the second elder of the Royal beast hall was extremely dark. He looked at Taiyi and the third elder of Longgu in front of him and said coldly:

"The three elders of Dragon Valley killed the side branches of our royal beast hall and killed the little tiger king of our royal beast hall. It's actually the people of your Dragon Valley?"

Looking at the dark face of the second elder of the Royal beast hall, the surrounding animals roared again, and the whole world was shaking. There had been no peace between the first valley and the four halls, and their disciples rarely walked around. What's more, the second elder of the Royal beast hall didn't know for many years in the martial arts world. He saw Taiyi kneel down to the third elder of the Dragon Valley and said he was a disciple of the Dragon Valley, The side branch of the Royal beast hall was destroyed by the disciples of the Dragon Valley.

"I said the second elder of the Royal beast hall, what are you talking about?" the third elder of Longgu looked at him with an ignorant face and said. Then he looked at Taiyi, and then asked seriously, "Taiyi, what the two elders of the Royal beast Hall said is the truth?"

"It's true to report back to the three elders." Tai Yi looked at the three elders and bowed his head.

"Hahaha, you heard that. He has admitted that your Dragon Valley disciples killed our side branch of the Royal beast hall and the little tiger king of the Royal beast hall. That's a rare genius in our royal beast hall in a thousand years. You dare to kill, Dragon Valley. Today we must kill all of you." the second elder of the Royal beast hall is crazy, Regardless of the strength of the Dragon Valley, he said coldly. There were countless beasts around. They were fast. All the beasts showed their attack state. In the twinkling of an eye, the whole suburb was full of spirit beasts above level 5, which looked very terrible.

From beginning to end, whether the second elder of the Royal beast hall or the third elder of the Dragon Valley, they ignored a person and a young man drinking. In their eyes, the young man was just a mole ant.

At this time, Ling Feng drank the wine in the cup, then stood up and smashed the wine pot in his hand directly at the second elder of the Royal beast hall. The speed was so fast that everyone around didn't react.


With a loud noise, the wine pot directly hit the face of the second elder in the Royal beast hall. Although he had protected his whole body with body protection aura for a long time, although the wine pot was broken and he was unharmed, it was a shame for the second elder.

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