Ling Feng kept attacking below. Xianjun and others in the air saw this scene, and there was another trace of fear in their eyes. Taiyi and they couldn't bear it. Now they also understand why Ling Feng said that the fairyland is the law of the jungle. If their strength is not enough, they can only be bullied and killed.

The immortals at the foot of the mountain and some practitioners during the robbery took off one after another. They were ready to escape, because they knew that the devil was not the man standing in front of them. Once they were hit by the devil, they would die.

Watching someone take off to escape, many people subconsciously prepared to fly away, but then something happened that even Ling Feng didn't think of.

"You have too much strength. Just buy us some time and we will remember you."

Many immortals and practitioners during the robbery period said one after another. Before Ling Feng understood what he meant, he saw many people being beaten upside down and flying towards him. Those immortals ran for their own lives and actually used the practitioners in Yuanying period as an attack means to fight Ling Feng. Some practitioners are so weak that they have been killed by their own people before Ling Feng.

"I'll go, the ugliness of human nature."

Ling Feng looked at them, shook his head and said, people are selfish. They are afraid that Ling Feng will catch up and kill themselves, so they use those practitioners with low accomplishments as shields to delay time, so that they, immortals and practitioners during the period of robbery, can escape here.

As more and more practitioners were thrown back by them, some of them were their fellow disciples, but now they only care about their own lives and can't manage so much at all. Seeing this, Ling Feng frowned and said, "I'll give you a chance. Those who didn't do it to me just now will solve all the problems and you can live."

"What do you mean, immortal?"

Hearing Ling Feng's words, the immortals and practitioners in the period of crossing the robbery asked suspiciously. Although they just threw out the practitioners in the period of Yuanying and the early period of crossing the robbery, after all, they just delayed time. It was Ling Feng who killed them last, but now it's like once they personally killed those people. After they spread out, I'm afraid they will become everyone's existence.

"That's what I mean now. Either you kill those who just shot, or you die. Don't want to escape. You can't escape at all. I'll give you a minute to think. My patience is limited." Ling Feng said coldly,

He doesn't care what other people think, and he doesn't care how embarrassed these people are now. Ling Feng is sure to keep them all here, but it takes too much time for Ling Feng to do it alone, and now let them kill each other, which is just a lesson for them. Let them know what the fairyland is like.

With a wave of Ling Feng's big hand, the whole space is imprisoned here and surrounded by chaotic black inflammation. If they want to escape, they must go through chaotic black inflammation, but chaotic black inflammation will turn people into ashes in an instant as long as it sticks to their body.

"He is the devil. We fought with him."

I felt that I couldn't live anyway. Many practitioners said one after another that they launched the last attack. Anyway, they were dead. Since the coward died, it was better to be vigorous. Hearing this sentence, countless practitioners had given up running away. They rushed up to Ling Feng and were ready to launch a desperate struggle.

"Kill them."

Before those who were ready to launch a desperate struggle launched an attack, the people who chose to live took the lead in the attack. They took the spirit weapon in their hands and didn't give those practitioners the chance to get close to Ling Feng. They spared no room to kill.

The whole earth seemed to be incorporated into the human purgatory. Those practitioners who didn't fight Ling Feng fought hard at this time. They didn't dare to leave a living mouth for fear that Ling Feng would be angry and kill them. In this case, the whole mountain became a river of blood and soon ended the battle.

"Immortal, we have killed everyone who did it to you according to your orders. We also hope that the immortal will honor his promise and let us leave here."

After the battle, the remaining few practitioners looked at Ling Feng and said respectfully that although they felt that Ling Feng was really Yuanying's perfect realm, his means were too terrible. No one could resist the black flame in + field.

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